Renowned Ghanaian comedian DKB is bringing back his highly anticipated annual comedy event, the ‘New Year Comedy Show,’ scheduled to take place on January 1, 2025, at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra.

This year’s edition promises a star-studded lineup of some of Ghana’s finest comedic talents, including OB Amponsah, Parrot Mouth, Jeneral Ntatia, Lekzy Decomic, and Kwame Obed.

These performers, known for their sharp wit and ability to captivate audiences, are expected to deliver rib-cracking performances that will leave patrons entertained and energized for the year ahead.

Adding to the excitement, acclaimed music duo Keche and rising star Dethompson are billed to light up the stage with electrifying musical performances.

The ‘New Year Comedy Show’ has become a staple on Ghana’s entertainment calendar, bringing together comedy and music lovers on January 1 every year. Over the years, the show has earned a reputation for its ability to unite audiences through laughter and music.

Speaking ahead of the event, DKB expressed his enthusiasm for this year’s show, saying, “The New Year Comedy Show is my way of starting the year with laughter and joy. We’ve got the best comedians and musicians to give the audience an unforgettable experience at 7 pm.”

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