While the newly-elected president, John Dramani Mahama, was being inaugurated, Kumawood actor Agya Koo was incurring the wrath of netizens on social media after he took to X to express his gratitude and admiration for Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo as he transitions out of office.

In his heartfelt message on January 7, 2024, Agya Koo praised Nana Addo’s legacy and expressed confidence that time would vindicate his efforts.

“Now, as you begin your journey as a former President of Ghana, your legacy will continue to inspire generations. To those who doubted and criticized you, time will indeed vindicate your efforts. Thank you for your tireless service to Ghana. God bless you, Addo Dee,” Agya Koo tweeted.

The post quickly garnered attention and sparked a flurry of reactions on social media.

While some users supported Agya Koo’s sentiments, others were critical and voiced their disapproval.

One user commented, “Example of how not to lead a country,” while another harshly criticised, “Foolish nation wrecker, so you want Mahama to fail for you to get a point. God will surely shame you.” Another user dismissed Agya Koo’s message, saying, “Go away, stomach man.”

Some reactions also questioned the actor’s vocabulary, with one user sarcastically asking, “What is the definition of vindication? Stop giving your phone to someone to type for you.”

See the post below:


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