A pastry chef was injured in a terrifying gas explosion that occurred while her hand was inside the oven.

The chef, identified as @pastrypicasso, mentioned that she was baking banana bread on the day of the event. She was trying to put the dough with her right hand inside the oven when the gas exploded, injuring her horribly.

She was shown in the video in severe pain with a swollen right hand that had pores and appeared wet from the ointment that had been administered to the burned area.

She captioned the photo to reassure her clients and students that she didn’t purposely disregard their messages,

“My response was really slow yesterday and I didn’t want to post it but I just had to cus I had to inform everyone, particularly my online class students that might think I ghosted them. pls I am not ignoring anybody pls 🙏 I don’t even understand how it happened all I know is that it happened “

Internet users sympathized with her as they hoped for her quick recovery. While some shared their similar experiences, others attempted to prescribe ointment for the injury to ease and hasten her recovery.

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@thepastrypicasso  #thepastrypicasso #sales ♬ ALANU EDA – 💫TEEWHISE MEDIA 🎼🙏🏽🛐

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