A British mother-of-two has applied for a Guinness World Record after she walked 6,000 miles around the entire coast of Great Britain.

Lindsey Bell, 47, packed her rucksack and left her home in London’s Greenwich park on March 1 to embark on an epic trek around Britain’s coast.

Some 298 days and 6,209 miles later she has completed her momentous journey after hiking around a marathon every day.

During the challenge she also scaled Britain’s three highest peaks: Scafell Pike, Snowdon & Ben Nevis.

She claims to be the first woman to have completed this walk completely on foot without using ferries.

During the challenge Bell raised over £14,000 for the mental health charity Mind and National Trails UK.

Lindsey Bell raised over £14,000 for charity after completing a 6,000 mile trek around Britain

Lindsey in West Scotland. The mother-of-two scaled Britain’s highest peaks: Scafell Pike, Mount Snowdon and Ben Nevis

Celebrating after completing her marathon solo walk. Lindsey claims to be the first woman to have completed this walk completely on foot without using ferries

Speaking about her achievement she said: ‘I have always loved being in nature and it helps me being the best version of myself.

‘I want to encourage people to go out and enjoy the outdoors as I have lost some people in my life to addiction and mental health issues.

‘I hope to continue to live a life with nature and get as many people as I can out there.

‘For me nature has always been my safe space.;

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