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The founder of The Way Networks and a life coach, Mr. Frederick P. Mensah, has outlined three important tools that are prerequisites for all people who aspire to be successful in life.

He emphasised the development of intuition, emotion, and senses, highlighting its significance in helping people become successful in life.

Teaching on The Way Networks YouTube channel, the Life Coach expatiated that intuition deals with the mind or thought frequency, while emotion deals with heart vibration and the senses operating at the energy level. Without understanding these principles of life operations, it would be very difficult to succeed in life, he stressed.

Practicalising what he means, he shares that one needs to think about something (mind frequency), feel it (heart vibration), and carry out what one thinks (energy level). He underscored that most people fail in their pursuit of life goals because they want to carry out what they think, but they hardly feel it well and do not think about it, and that is why they fail, shared Mr. Mensah.

Relating his thoughts to real life, he averred that musicians who normally succeed are those who have thought about what they intend to do, felt it in their heart (emotional level), and acted it out (energy level). These people are always seen singing at the least opportunity they get, and they normally succeed. However, he intimated that those who sing without internalizing it from the thought frequency normally become choristers, only resigning what those who started from the mind level have produced.

“Before you do something, you must ‘be’ the thing. To ‘be’ something begins with the thought frequency. Between your thought frequency and vibration is where the ‘beingness’ resides, revealed Mr. Mensah, highlighting that this is what motivational speakers call passion – to be successful, one needs to develop passion for the things they do, regardless of the challenges. Thus, passion comes before doing. Unfortunately, most people do things without passion, which results in failure.

“People who do things without passion die along the way with the least obstacle or opposition”, conversely, “those with passion can be kept at what they do, irrespective of the number of times they fail or fall. They’re engrossed with what they do,” he stated.

As the New Year has started in earnest, it is the vision of The Way Networks to encourage all people to be passionate about what they do, in order to be successful in life, as life and success are passion-driven.

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