David Coote is a former Premier League referee David Coote is a former Premier League referee

David Coote, the former Premier League referee who was sacked following a leaked video of him making some snide remarks about Liverpool and their former coach Jurgen Klopp, has come out as gay.

In his first major interview following the leak of the video, David Coote outlined some personal struggles that have resulted in his current situation.

David Coote, who was also captured in a leaked photo snorting suspected drugs, explained that he has had to live a lie as he was not ready for the backlash about his sexuality.

“I felt a deep sense of shame during my teenage years in particular,” Coote said in a tearful interview with The Sun.

“I didn’t come out to my parents until I was 21. I didn’t come out to my friends until I was 25. My sexuality isn’t the only reason that led me to be in that position. But I’m not telling an authentic story if I don’t say that I’m gay, and that I’ve had real struggles dealing with hiding that.

“I hid my emotions as a young ref and I hid my sexuality as well — a good quality as a referee but a terrible quality as a human being.

“And that’s led me to a whole course of behaviors. I’ve had issues around my self-esteem — and that relates to my sexuality. I’m gay and I’ve struggled with feeling proud of being ‘me’ over a long period of time,” he said.

David Coote also apologized to Liverpool and Jurgen Klopp for the comments he made about them.

“This has been one of the most difficult periods of my life. I take full responsibility for my actions, which fell way below what was expected of me.

“I am truly sorry for any offense caused by my actions and for the negative spotlight it put on the game that I love. I hope people will understand that they were private moments taken during very low times in my life. They do not reflect who I am today or what I think,” he said.

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