Renowned playwright and actor, Fiifi Coleman has shared a bitter experience about how officials from the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) threatened to abruptly end one of his productions over unpaid taxes.

In an interview on Monday, January 20, Fiifi Coleman disclosed that he received a call from GRA staff moments before he was ready to go on stage demanding him to immediately sign a letter.

Despite Coleman saying he was unavailable to sign the letter, the GRA officials insisted he comes to sign or else they will use a police order to interrupt the production.

“I was like, ‘I’m about to go on stage. I am backstage. Any of my staff out there is authorized to sign that letter.’ They said no, they want me. I said, ‘I am not available to come. So how do we handle this?’ They said they would call the police to stop the show because I owed them,” he said on Hitz FM.

He criticised the GRA’s approach in tax collection noting that while he understands the importance of paying taxes, the timing and manner of their demands were problematic.

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