An Aussie woman has experienced every driver’s worst nightmare when a young man stepped out into the middle of the road ‘wanting to be hit’. 

The man was seen raising his arms in the air just seconds before the horror late-night collision, which was captured on the woman’s dashcam.

Despite her attempts to brake, the man was sent flying into the windshield and ‘bounced off’ before he landed heavily on the road. 

He rolled several times before lying motionless.

‘He just came out in front of my car wanting to be hit,’ the woman told the Dash Cam Owners Australia Facebook page. 

‘He was VERY apologetic after the shock of it all wore off and he was able to communicate. To be young and dumb, I guess. 

‘At least he bounced.’

Vice President Engineering of Gilmore Engineers Dr Ray Hope told Daily Mail Australia he had ‘never seen anything like it’ in his 22 years of expert witness investigations. 

The young man raised his arms as he stood firm in the path of the fast-moving vehicle

Despite attempting to brake, the young man flipped in the air after colliding with the vehicle

‘The first thing that struck me was that the driver responded incredibly quickly for someone stepping out in front of the road like that at 60km/h,’ he said. 

According to woman’s dashcam, her vehicle had been travelling at about 58km/h when the man came into view. 

It was travelling at about 57km/h when it made contact with the man whose lower body appeared to absorb most of the initial impact.

Dr Hope said it was likely the car was going significantly slower than suggested by the Dashcam analytics, somewhere in the region of 30km/h.

‘He’s quite lucky he didn’t get run over again. Often at high speeds people are pushed or dragged forward,’ he said. 

‘Part of me questions whether it was a set up.’

Two other people ran towards the man as the vehicle pulled over. 

‘What the f***?’ one bystander yelled as he rushed toward the man on the ground.

The young man rolled several times before coming to a stop in the middle of the road 

He then lay on his side and appeared to be making small jerking motions 

‘I didn’t see him,’ the woman said before telling the onlookers to call the police. 

A voice can be heard crying hysterically while another yelled: ‘What the f*** is wrong with you?’

The driver searched for her phone to call Triple Zero before insisting she had been driving below the speed limit. 

‘He was standing in front of my car… I couldn’t see’ she said while the others continued to yell over her. 

Asked whether the driver could be charged over the incident, Dr Hope said it was unlikely. 

‘I doubt the police would lay charges against the driver assuming the speed limit was 60km/h or above,’ he said. 

‘If the pedestrian intentionally came out to get hit, it’s him that could be liable for damage to the vehicle.’     

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