The Savannah Regional Minis­ter, Mr Salisu Be-Awuribe, has called on the Overlord of Dag­bon, Ndan Ya-Na Abukari Mahama and the King of Gonja Traditional Area, Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuti Jewu Soale, to use their influence to solve the long standing chieftaincy crisis in Bawku.

He said the two chiefs were power­ful and could use the powers within their jurisdiction as kings to solve the conflicts in the Bawku area.

The minister made the statement here at the Jakpa Palace in Damongo when the Overlord of Dagbon paid a reciprocal historic visit to the King of the Gonja Traditional Area, Yagbon­wura Bii-Kunuti Jewu Soale.

It is recalled that the Yagbonwu­ra paid a historic visit to the Ndan Ya-Na at the Gbewaa Palace in Yendi last June to discuss matters of unity, peace and development in their respective areas.

The minister said the influence of the two kings was paramount to solving the Bawku crises.

“Ndan Ya-Na and Yagbonwura this is your time as overlords of your respective kingdoms in the northern part of this country, the people of Bawku need your support to help them with your powerful kingdoms to solve the conflict in the area,” he stated.

He said the Ya-Na visit was a good one and it would go a long way to tighten the relationship between the two kingdoms for more development and peacefully co-existence among the kingdoms.

The minister however appealed to other kingdoms in Ghana to emu­late the same gesture of Ya-Na and Yagbonwura.

Ndan Ya-Na Mahama Abukari in his speech said, his visit reflected the unity and cooperation that binds the two great kingdoms.

“My visit is occasioned by two overpowering reasons. Firstly, to reciprocate your historic visit to Dag­bon and secondly to show our long overdue appreciation and gratitude for the tireless efforts of your prede­cessor, His Majesty Tumtunba Boresa II, in ensuring the resolution of the protracted Dagbon conflict,” Ndan Ya-Na stated.

Ndan Ya-Na said he was reminded of the protracted process the eminent kings went through and the crucial role that his predecessor, His Majesty Tumtunba Boresa II, played in medi­ating the conflict within Dagbon.

He said his “wisdom, diplomacy, and leadership” were instrumental in restoring peace to the Dagbon kingdom.

Ndan Ya Na stated that the con­tribution of Yagbon in finding peace for the people of Dagbon cannot be underestimated.

The overlord expressed his happi­ness on behalf of the people of Dag­bon for their selfless contributions to their collective well-being, saying “a big thanks to the good people of Yagbon.”

He reminded of the deep bond that unite them over a century, adding “our communities have been inter­twined through marriage, nurturing a deep and abiding connection.”

He called on them to draw strength from this union, recognising that their history and family ties were power­ful foundation for cooperation and mutual support.

Ndan Ya-Na also said they would work together in every aspect of their lives, “upholding the values of unity, respect, and understanding” that had long characterised their relationship.

He, however prayed for Allah’s blessings in their heritage and the union between the two kingdoms.

The Overlord of the Gonja King­dom, Yagbonwura Bii-Kunuti Jewu Soale, thanked the Ya-Na for the reciprocal historic visit.

He told Ya-Na that his kingdom would continue to work with other kingdoms in the country to ensure that there was absolute peace in the country.


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