Reactions have trailed the video showcasing university students undergoing a thorough inspection of their lecture notes by their head of department.

A video posted on TikTok by one of the students @iamkorede4 displayed a long queue of 200-level Political Science students in UNIOSUN, holding onto their lecture notes as they wait in turns to present to their department head.

As seen in the video, the classroom was surprisingly full because the department head decided to inspect the students’ lecture notes, which could eventually become a continuous assessment for the semester whereby a score was obtained.

The video has prompted many to question whether the department doesn’t provide its students with handouts or PDFs because the note inspection seems outdated and insignificant.

Due to past experiences,  some Internet users did not consider the note inspection, an unexpected academic endeavor.

Below are some reactions,

@Tola💕 Check notes as how😭me wey be say na different note I dey bring come class everyday

@RASHEED__BOT 100level to 400level I no get note😭,we go resume second semester now,I go try write note sha🥺

@Cynbeauty Hair As how? Who de write note? Handouts no de? Abi pdf no de?

@JcmFOLA ✝️ 🥰❤️ Ohh well I’m not surprised bcos one of our lecturer checked her note(everyone’s notes), corrected it and marked it😂

@AFOLABI AISHA Una never see anything 😔😂

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@iamkorede4 😂🫴#fyp ♬ original sound – Recharge Channel

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