An Abuja resident, frustrated with barbers repeatedly pushing his hairline back, opted for a permanent solution getting a hairline tattoo.
The tattoo artist @abujatattoos1 claims that his client grew weary of barbers changing his hairline, especially by making his front hair bald. He decided to get a tattoo to keep his desired hairline.
To push the headline forward and encourage barbers to shave the man’s hair following the permanently defined hairline, the tattoo artist was shown in the video inking the front of the headline.
When the man ages and begins to go bald, viewers wonder about the outcome of the permanent tattoo. Some suggested the man shouldn’t have full hair to prevent looking like a clown, while others appreciated the beauty of his permanent hairline.
See reactions below,
@chimbruoma Hmm, if he eventually goes bald, then what?
@iamkingdinero1 This is way much better than those ones when Dey use black hair dye take color our forehead
@1or2 why hair transplant no dey? hair enhancement no dey?
@Oluwa damlex Bro will have to barb his hair very frequent now coz he wont want the hair behind the tattooed area to grow above it
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