The Amazon rainforest is often described as ‘the lungs of the earth’ although, usefully, it does the exact opposite: breathing in carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen.

It is also a treasure trove of biodiversity. Nowhere else on the planet teems with so broad a variety of life, with rosewood, mahogany and rubber trees jostling for position with orchids, ferns and lilies.

Not to mention several million species of insects, plants, birds, and other forms of life, many still unrecorded by science.

Not surprisingly, its fate has long been championed by the environmental movement, which mounts campaigns against anyone who seeks to despoil it, from illegal loggers to cattle ranchers.

Which is why it is so stupefying to witness the desecration being wreaked upon the rainforest by contractors hired by the organisers of the COP30 climate summit to be held this November in Brazil.

Hundreds of acres of virgin rainforest are being felled to make way for an eight mile, four-lane road to speed some 50,000 politicians, officials and campaigners in limousines to the conference centre in the Amazonian city of Belem.

But the environmental destruction doesn’t end there. The city’s airport is being expanded to cope with 14 million passengers a year, twice as many as at present.

The attendance of our own pied piper of net zero, Energy Secretary Ed Miliband, at this absurd jamboree has not yet been confirmed. but, having swallowed his objections to the new runway at Heathrow, we can probably assume that he won’t feel much compunction about using infrastructure built at the cost of such vast amounts of Nature’s riches.

A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit in the Brazilian city of Belém

The road will be used to ease traffic in and out of the city of Belem, which will host a staggering 50,000 people

The state government of Pará had previously shelved plans for the highway, known as Avenida Liberdade, due to environmental concerns

But is anyone surprised by such hypocrisy any more? COP summits, designed to bring together the world’s great and good to discuss climate change, have become mass celebrations of flawed morality, with each one worse than the last.

In moves that are beyond parody, the rights to host the most recent two were awarded to fossil fuel-hungry petro-states. Dubai put on the 2023 summit and last year’s was held in Azerbaijani capital, Baku.

Both cities were accused of using the events to shamelessly tout their oil and gas industries.

The CEO of Baku’s COP29, Elnur Soltanov, was secretly filmed offering business opportunities to a campaigner posing as an oil investor.

Leaked documents from COP28, meanwhile, revealed that UAE officials were planning to use the Dubai event to do oil and gas deals.

Interest in the Dubai summit was more intense than ever before if the number of private jets it attracted was anything to go by. An analysis of flight radar systems showed that 644 flights touched down at airports close to the venue where the conference was taking place – more than double the 315 private flights recorded for the previous COP in Egypt.

Indeed, the carbon footprint of COP conferences has exploded since the events began in 1995. And the excuses of the COP apologists get more pathetic by the year.

One environmental blogger dismissed concerns about the CO2 belching into the atmosphere as a result of the Glasgow summit in 2021 because levels were too negligible to worry about.

Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva arrives at a ceremony to announce investments in the portuary sector at the Itaguai port, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, on February 21

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (R) and Para Governor Helder Barbalho visit the area of Parque da Cidade, the venue that will host the activities of the 2025 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 30) in Belem

Those emissions, we were told, amounted to just two millionths of the Earth’s total carbon output for that year. If all the measures agreed at the event were put into effect, it was claimed, some 70,000 times as much CO2 would be saved.

But that all rather misses the point. Attendees should set an example, for moral authority is quickly lost in the choking jet exhaust of a Dassault Falcon 10X business jet. And if these luxury sorties only account for a tiny proportion of total global emissions, why should any of us change lifestyles that create comparatively trivial carbon footprints by comparison?

The Glasgow event, COP26, especially, was a chance for the world’s wealthy, and for our own government, to set an example –not least because of the Covid pandemic.

Some wondered whether the summit could be held online to reduce the risk of a global event further spreading the disease and, of course, to cut those carbon emissions.

But ministers dismissed the idea. It was imperative, they said, for the world to travel to Glasgow. They wouldn’t have their day in the global spotlight ruined.

Too many people are trying to have their cake and eat it: prophesying the End of Days while carrying on with their brazen, carbon-rich lifestyles.

The sensible way forward on climate change lies somewhere between these two extremes. No, we shouldn’t be impoverishing the world’s population in order to reach net zero targets – we have to accept that economies need to grow, that people have legitimate aspirations to improve their lives.

And all this will involve carbon emissions until affordable, clean technology arrives to replace what we have now. But, neither should we be indulging in rampant wastes of energy and resources.

A new four-lane highway cutting through tens of thousands of acres of protected Amazon rainforest is being built for the COP30 climate summit

Debris from the hundreds of trees which were felled in the Amazon to make a road for a climate summit

It is vital that we preserve natural environments as much as possible. You don’t have to be an Extinction Rebellion activist to think it is right to tax private jets to encourage the world’s wealthy to take scheduled flights instead.

Or that if you need to build a new road it would be better routed around, rather than through, virgin rainforest.

As it happens, there is already a multiple-lane motorway from Belem airport to a location close to the COP 30 conference venue. Why couldn’t the organisers free up space on that by laying on buses for the duration of the event, or build a metro system?

Instead, they have chosen the most destructive option, a construction operation that required a special exemption from Brazil’s strict laws on deforestation.

Not that any of this will be mentioned in the no doubt smug communique organisers will issue after the conference, extolling how precious the Amazon is to the world, and how it is endangered by all our ghastly lifestyles.

COP conferences are doing more harm than good because they create an ‘us and them’ atmosphere. The ‘us’ ask why, if you world leaders and hangers-on really think the Earth is in such a desperate state, don’t you practise what you preach?

When the final private jet takes off from Belem’s expanded airport and the heavy conference traffic on the pristine motorway that cleaves a rainforest in two declines to a trickle, might the people there come to regret the destruction that one two-week summit has wrought on their homeland?

The COP organisers certainly won’t – they will be too busy plotting where the circus rolls on to next. (Australia, if you’re interested.)

It is only right that the world co-operates on environmental matters and finds a way of cleaning up our energy system.

But overblown COPs are showing exactly how not to do it because they inspire nothing but ridicule.

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