This is who the Dems consider a rising star? A woman who just made fun of her own state governor for needing a wheelchair?
Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett is 43 years old, which came as a shock to me. Her speech and demeanor are so profoundly immature I thought she was at least ten years younger.
‘Governor Hot Wheels’ was what she recently called Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who was paralyzed over 40 years ago in a freak accident, struck by a falling tree while out running.
It gets even better: She said it while addressing a Human Rights Campaign dinner on Saturday in LA – a town that lives on virtue signaling. And the audience cheered!
But Crockett couldn’t leave that disgusting excuse for a joke alone. ‘The only thing hot about him,’ she said of Abbott, ‘is that he is a hot-ass mess, honey.’
Crockett is a pastor’s daughter. How Christian of her. That some Dems are touting her as a star says everything.
Where are her party leaders to shut his down? Where are the so-called adults? Barack? Michelle? Hillary and Bill? AOC?

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett (pictured) is 43 years old, which came as a shock to me. Her speech and demeanor are so profoundly immature I thought she was at least ten years younger.
Where, for that matter, are the Rachel Maddows of the liberal media? You know, the ones so high on their self-regard that they never miss a moment to preach about kindness, diversity, equity and inclusion?
Then again, it was Maddow who called Trump ‘disgusting’ for celebrating a 13-year-old brain cancer survivor during his joint address to Congress in January – a boy so moved that he hugged Secret Service Director Sean Curran, who had just made him an honorary agent.
And it was Maddow’s equally galling MSNBC colleague Nicolle Wallace who linked this young boy’s dream of becoming a police officer to the January 6 riots.
‘I hope he never has to defend the United States Capitol against Donald Trump’s supporters and if he does, I hope he isn’t one of the six who loses his life to suicide,’ she said.
These people are sick.
Make no mistake: They are emblematic of a party rotting from within, so morally adrift that not a single one – not even the true elders, breaking hips and promises on their way out the door – will stand up for what’s right.
The only Dem worth a damn is John Fetterman, but look where that’s gotten him. Standing up for Israel after 10/7? He’s a pariah. Warning his party that they’re self-destructing? Ignored.
After the Dems sat stone-faced during Trump’s January address – refusing to be moved by that little boy, or by the grieving family of Laken Riley, the 22-year-old nursing student murdered by an illegal immigrant – Fetterman called out their deplorable behavior on X.
‘A sad cavalcade of self-owns and petulance. It only makes Trump look more presidential and restrained,’ he wrote.
‘We’re becoming the metaphorical car alarms that nobody pays attention to – and it may not be the winning message.’
But it’s not just the message. It’s the messengers.
When these highly educated pols are literally talking down to working class communities, black and Latino voters, adopting accents and dropping their ‘g’s, they’re communicating one thing: they think these voters are stupid.
They are not. They are on to these elitists and their snobbery, and it’s yet another reason Trump won.
Just ask Barack Obama, who adopted a street cadence to hector black male voters – calling them ‘brothers’ – for not supporting Kamala Harris.

‘Governor Hot Wheels’ was what Crockett recently called Texas Governor Greg Abbott (pictured), who was paralyzed over 40 years ago in a freak accident, struck by a falling tree while out running.
‘Part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president.’
This from a man married to the woman his party was begging to run. Instead, they got Kamala Harris – and now Jasmine Crockett.
Harris herself loves shedding her posh Californian drawl.
‘Let’s just get through the next sixty-fow days,’ she said on the trail. ‘Hah ’bout that?’
How about that, Kamala of UC Law School.
And who could forget her Bob Marley impression on Stephen Colbert, days before losing: ‘Have you no empathy, mon’?’
Dear lord. The Dems never learn, do they?
They didn’t learn from Hillary’s embarrassing 2016 ‘hot sauce’ pander, telling Charlamagne tha God that she always keeps a bottle in her purse. Sure.
That disclosure — along with her mispronunciation of Beyoncé’s name — led Charlemagne to mock Hillary to her face.
‘Now you went to Brooklyn last night,’ he said, ‘and you didn’t say “rest in peace” to Biggie Smalls or shout out Jay-Z? Why not?’
This is what we need — much more of this. Hillary, trapped on live radio, hoisted by her own petard.
Charlemagne: ‘Just one “big-up” to Brooklyn, RIP.’
Hillary: ‘I said I love Brooklyn.’
Charlemagne: ‘You gotta say, “Is Brooklyn in da house?”‘
Hillary: ‘Brooklyn in da house, that’s right.’
Joe Biden learned nothing from Hillz, telling Charlamagne in a 2020 interview that ‘I tell you what – if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.’
You ain’t black – from the whitest, oldest political mediocrity in recent memory. An octogenarian in obvious mental and physical decline who, along with his wife, lost this election due to his own hubris – then last week told his party he wanted to fundraise for them.
‘Delusional and arrogant,’ said one ex-Biden staffer. ‘No voter wants to hear from him.’
Self-awareness has no home in the modern Democratic party.
Once more unto the breach steps Jasmine Crockett, the product of exclusive private schools, a lawyer and congresswoman who is cosplaying as a Real Housewife and talking smack.
‘It is not a criminal violation to enter the country illegally,’ she said on MSNBC this month. ‘It is not a crime.’
Breaking into the country illegally is the very definition of a crime.
Seriously: Why does she think Dems lost the election? Could it be that the overwhelming majority of Americans want secure borders?
Crockett also said that Kamala ran a ‘flawless’ campaign and that Hispanics who voted for Trump have a ‘slave mentality’.
Shades of Barack talking down to his brothers. Keep going, Dems. Keep insulting the voters who you have already thoroughly alienated.
Crockett has also smeared congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as a ‘bleach blonde, bad built, butch body’ – earning her raves and applause on ‘The View’, those moronic hosts otherwise outraged by Trump’s verbiage – and insulted Republican Rep. Nancy Mace:
‘Somebody’s campaign coffers really are strugglin’ right now, So [Mace] is gon’ keep sayin’ trans, trans, trans’ – pause for dramatic hair flip – ‘and chile, listen.’
‘I am no child,’ Mace shot back. ‘Do not call me a child.’
Mace speaks for a weary America.
To anyone among would-be Democratic leadership: Do not speak to us like we are children. We are quite smart – in fact, most of us are smarter than you.