A clubber caught drink-driving has been banned from the roads after claiming she had no other way to make the five-mile journey home.
Macy Banks, 20, was stopped by police in the early hours of November 16 after she was seen driving off in her Mini Cooper with a friend in Sandbach town centre, Cheshire.
At the roadside, Banks claimed she had only consumed one drink that night, but a breathalyser test revealed she was more than twice the alcohol limit.
Further tests showed she had 75 micrograms of alcohol in 100 ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.
Banks, from Middlewich, who has no previous convictions, admitted drink driving at Crewe Magistrates’ Court.
She insisted she had only got behind the wheel because she had no alternative transport home as it was so late.
Banks was fined £369, ordered to pay £233 in costs and was banned from driving for 20 months.

Macy Banks, 20, admitted drink driving after a breathalyser test revealed she was more than twice the alcohol limit.

Banks, from Middlewich, pictured outside Crewe Magistrates’ Court
The court offered Banks a drink-drive rehabilitation course, which can reduce a driving ban by a quarter.
The last bus from Sandbach to Middlewich leaves at 11pm. The court did not hear whether she had attempted to call a taxi, which would have cost £13.
Scott Woodward, prosecuting, said: ‘On 16 November, at approximately 2.30am, officers observed two females approaching a blue Mini Cooper parked on High Street, Sandbach.
‘The vehicle drove along High Street and then along onto Crewe Road. When the officers followed it they requested the vehicle to stop.
‘Officers approached the driver’s side door. The defendant admitted to the officers she had been out with friends, but had only consumed one alcoholic drink.
‘The officers requested a roadside breath test, which the defendant failed. It gave a reading of 71 at the roadside.
‘The defendant was subsequently cautioned and arrested and conveyed to custody where the evidential procedure took place.
‘Two samples of breath were taken, the lower of which gave a reading of 75 micrograms of alcohol in 100 ml of breath.

Tests showed Banks (pictured) had 75 micrograms of alcohol in 100 ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mg.

Banks was handed a roadside ban at Crewe Magistrates’ Court
‘The defendant is of previous good character. She has no previous convictions on record.’
Banks who represented herself initially said she had nothing to add to a ‘statement’ that she had handed to the court.
When the legal advisor asked what happened, she said: ‘I just did not have another way to get home.
‘There is no excuse for it.’
When asked if she had told her employers about the hearing and whether losing her driving licence was going to impact her ability to work, she said she had told her bosses and would be able to keep her job.
‘I work in Crewe and one day a week in Southport,’ she said, ‘I am able to get a lift.’
Office worker Banks was given the opportunity to take the drink drivers’ awareness course which will reduce the ban by a quarter.
JP Helen Jarman said: ‘We have taken into account your prompt guilty plea. We have no discretion other than to disqualify you, but we have taken into account your current circumstances.
‘The fine would have been bigger, but for your guilty plea.
‘We are prepared to offer you the drink driver rehabilitation course.’