Young Aussie calls out Australia Day double standard as Woolworths’ sign sparks debate: ‘Tell me how that doesn’t make sense!’

A conservative commentator’s response to signs commemorating Diwali at Woolworths has angered many Aussies.

News producer Carla Efstratiou spotted Happy Diwali signage at Woolworths, commemorating India‘s biggest and most important holiday of the year – regarded as important to Hindus as Christmas is to Christians.’

In a rant posted to social media, she attempted to point out a double standard: ‘So Woolworths is okay with celebrating India’s biggest religious celebration, and I wholeheartedly support that,’ she said.

‘But God forbid we put an Australian flag up or say “Happy Australia Day” on January 26.

‘So we can celebrate India’s biggest holiday of the year, but we can’t celebrate one of Australia’s largest holidays of the year – and of course, we’re in Australia.

‘Tell me how that doesn’t make sense!’

Young Aussie calls out Australia Day double standard as Woolworths’ sign sparks debate: ‘Tell me how that doesn’t make sense!’

The debate about Australia Day has been reignited as the January 26 public holiday looms

Australia Day celebrations have grown increasingly controversial in recent years, with many Aussies unwilling to commemorate the arrival of the First Fleet from Britain in 1788, as it also marks the beginning of Indigenous people being dispossessed of the continent.

Her take sparked hundreds of furious comments questioning why a religious tradition was being compared to a day of colonisation.

‘Diwali and Australia Day should not be in shape or form compared to one another,’ one viewer fumed.

Another added: ‘The fact that you think it’s okay to compare Diwali, a RELIGIOUS festival, to a day of genocide is disgusting.’

 A third declared: ‘Diwali and Australia Day have very different meanings! Australia Day is unfortunately a traumatic day for many natives!’

A fourth added: ‘I don’t see the comparison — Diwali is a celebration of life and Jan 26 represents the invasion of a country and genocide.’

The internet went into meltdown after the Sydney woman questioned why Woolworths was celebrating Diwali but not Australia

But some patriotic Aussies leapt to the woman’s defence.

‘We can celebrate Australia, and we will! Time to push back all this BS.’

A woman added: ‘It’s insane how un-Australian we have become, I forget what country we are in.’

Another said: ‘I bet India does not put up happy Australia day in their supermarkets. Sick of this woke stuff.’

Woolworths was reluctant to comment on the footage when contacted by Daily Mail Australia and decided to let Aussies make up their own mind.

Woolworths says Aussies should make up their own mind about the controversial TikTok clip

A wide range of cultural events are promoted by the retailer throughout the year and vary across stores based on local customer demographics and background.

Multiple celebrations are commemorated from Christmas and Easter to Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day and Halloween.

Earlier this year, Woolworths joined Channel 10 and other corporations in not celebrating Australia Day by giving its 160,000 workers the choice to treat January 26 as a normal shift or take another day as a holiday in compensation.

Coles came under fire earlier this year from Indigenous shoppers for selling Australian flags ahead of Australia Day.

‘I’m Indigenous and I saw this today,’ the woman posted.

‘FUMING I SAW THIS AT COLES, they need to be cancelled.’

While many viewers questioned why a religious tradition was being compared to a day of colonisation, others agreed Australia Day should also be celebrated

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