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You have no business donating motorbikes to police

You have no business donating motorbikes to police

Former Minister of Power, Dr. Kwabena Donkor, has strongly chastised the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) for donating 200 motorbikes to the Ghana Police Service.

The Ghana Police Service on Monday, 11th December 2023, received 200 motorbikes from the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) as part of the company’s efforts to bolster police operations nationwide.

The Pru East MP says the gesture was the height of irresponsibility on the part of ECG, considering its huge indebtedness to Independent Power Producers.

While expressing his disappointment at the donation with journalists, the Member of the Mines and Energy Committee of Parliament, Dr. Kwabena Donkor, says the Ministers of Energy and State Enterprises must investigate the act for onward action.

“I read with shock on Tuesday that the Electricity Company of Ghana had donated 200 motorbikes to the Ghana Police Service. Ordinarily, any such donation would have attracted my approval. But with this particular one, ECG has no business taking over the responsibility of the state to provide logistics for the Ghana Police. ECG is in debt for billions of cedis. Indeed, 2 weeks ago, the Minister of Finance had to intervene to stop Sonon Asorgli from shutting down because of ECG’s indebtedness to IPPs. For an entity that cannot pay its indebtedness, they have no business buying motors for the Ghana Police. It is the height of irresponsibility on the Management of ECG to donate motorbikes to the Ghana Police when they cannot pay their debt. I call on the Ministers of Energy and State Enterprises to call the ECG management to book.”

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