‘You B******S! You will be SACKED!’: Moment two women scream abuse at Camden Council bosses

‘I hope Al-Qaeda bombs the f***** ugly thing!’: Moment two women yell abuse at Camden Council bosses for approving four new homes and turning area into a ‘s**t-hole’ before one hurls CHAIR during live-stream meeting

  • Tempers flared at the planning meeting held by Camden Council this week
  • Two women were particularly enraged and let lose when permission was passed
  • One picked up a chair and then hurled it onto the table in front of her
  • It came after screams of ‘How dare you. How f***** dare you’ after it was granted

Chaos exploded at a council planning meeting after local residents yelled expletives and even threw a chair over a scheme to build new houses near their homes.

In aggressive scenes that made the infamous Handforth Parish Council viral video look like a teddy bears picnic, one woman yelled she hoped the new development would be bombed. 

Another screamed out ‘You b******s, you will be sacked’ after planning permission was granted.

Howls of ‘you’re turning this town into a sh**hole’ and ‘you haven’t even been there, you don’t know how horrible it is’.

Then one woman bellowed ‘It looks like a f**** prison when you see it. I hope al-Qaeda bombs the f***** ugly thing.’

As she was urged to leave by an official she put her papers away and picked up a walking crutch.

She fired off as she departed ‘I hope you sleep well at night known that you have destroyed and you are destroying a beautiful town. How dare you. How f***** dare you’.

The woman then picked up a chair and hurled it to the ground before being led away. 

‘You B******S! You will be SACKED!’: Moment two women scream abuse at Camden Council bosses

Two women appeared to be the most upset about the planning development and let rip

One lady, who had earlier said she hoped the development would be bombed, got to her feet

She grabbed a nearby chair before hurling it onto the table and then to the ground in front

It was all broadcast live to Camden Council’s website, with all people at the meeting told it could be seen online by anyone.

The Camden New Journal said councillors voted in favour of building the four new three-storey homes in Gondar Gardens. 

Marie Adie, who lives nearby, said it was ‘obscene’ that the council’s planning department had called the impact ‘immaterial’.

The Camden paper reported objectors were given five minutes to make their case, even though a discussion over whether a screen could be shared to the meeting took several minutes beforehand.

Her written objection had said: ‘The scheme would block our main source of light and render our flat much darker. It is shocking and appalling that the planning officer didn’t even bother to do a site visit and considers the loss of daylight ‘immaterial’,’ their objection said.

‘By granting this application the planning committee would deprive us of light – and the other three residents on the south side – and spoil our enjoyment of our home to the degree where we would have to consider moving out.’

Councillors voted in favour of building the four new three-storey homes in Gondar Gardens

The dramatic scenes came after objectors were given just minutes to say their piece on plans

One woman stood up to leave after a council official went to speak to her after the outburst

Cecilia Adie told how she had seen bats flying in ‘figures of eight’ around the site, adding: ‘It was the most enchanting manifestation of nature I’ve ever seen.’

Ward councillor Lorna Russell added: ‘The geometrics are a 45 degree roof, as well as the red brick which just does not blend with the frontage of the mansion blocks at this part of Gondar Gardens.’

Conservative committee member Councillor Andrew Parkinson said: ‘It seems to me it’s made no attempt whatsoever to fit in with local character. There’s the red brick but also this sort of V shaped design which isn’t something that you really see in the local area.’

Camden’s planning officers had recommended permission be granted in a report.

Their findings said: ‘The proposed development would occupy most of the currently open plot with a new three storey building. There would be some impacts on residential amenities of neighbouring occupiers but these are considered acceptable on balance, and any harm found would need to be balanced against the scheme’s contribution towards housing.’

‘Some temporary harm would be had during construction; however, this would be managed via a recommended Construction Management Plan. Overall, the proposals would deliver a good mix of new homes, with a high-quality design, and excellent sustainability credentials.

It added: ‘Officers have given significant weight to the environmental credentials of the scheme, the design quality, and the delivery of new homes (including a payment-lieu of affordable housing) and recommend approval.’ 


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