Woman with small child at Palestine demo is taken away by police after they discovered a sign claiming Israel’s actions in Gaza are worse than the Nazis

A woman was today arrested after police discovered a sign at the demonstration which had a Nazi symbol and a photo of Adolf Hilter on it.

The sign read: ‘The world is ruined by maniacs.’

It included a photo of Hitler, the Nazi symbol and the Star of David.

It appeared to compare Israel with Nazis.

The vile image attempted to draw a comparison between the death tolls of children killed in the Second World War to those in recent weeks.

Next to Hitler, it said: ‘Slaughter over’ and next to the Star of David, it said: ‘Slaughter ongoing.’

The Met Police confirmed it was investigating several potential anti-Semitic banners. 

Woman with small child at Palestine demo is taken away by police after they discovered a sign claiming Israel’s actions in Gaza are worse than the Nazis

Police arrested this woman at a pro-Palestine march after she was seen carrying a banner comparing Israel’s actions in Gaza with the Nazis

The banner was criticised by the Campaign for Anti-Semitism 

The images were condemned by the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism. A spokesman said: ‘If the people at these marches are all intent on peace, why are they content to walk alongside such extreme anti-Semitic images and chants without calling them out?

‘Grotesquely likening Gaza to Auschwitz, or Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler, abhorrently attempts to state that the Israeli government is somehow comparable to the Nazis.

‘Such vile rhetoric diminishes the impact of the Holocaust – the genocide of six million innocent Jewish men, women and children – and shows contempt for its victims.’

Police took the poster away after they were made aware of it’s offensive message

It said Hitler killed ‘127 children per day’ and implied ‘178’ were killed by Netanyahu in Gaza.

The woman, who was holding a young girl as police questioned her at 2.20pm on Vauxhall Bridge, refused to give her name and address to officers and was led to a waiting police van as dozens of fellow demonstrators tried to defend her.

Wearing a green puffer coat with sunglasses on her head, the woman, thought to be in her 30s, handed the crying child over to her partner and after being escorted to the van by an officer holding her arm.

She was surrounded by dozens of demonstrators who tried to defend her and hurled abuse at police.

The woman was shocked to be questioned.

Police quizzed her before taking her away in a van, leaving her screaming baby with her partner.

The demonstration started with shocking scenes of effigies of dead babies covered in blood and limbs.

One warped sign said: ‘Mourn the dead and fight like hell for the living.’

Another said: ‘They say lest we forget but we keep forgetting.’

The woman was taken away by police shortly after this photograph was taken

Another demonstrator held a placard with a photo of Home Secretary Suella Braveman on it, with the words ‘Suella Deville’ and ‘baby killer’ racist’ and ‘shame on you’.

Simon Cartwright, 44, who had been in central London for the Remembrance event came across the protest as he made his way home using Pimlico Station.

The builder said: ‘These scenes are shocking. To see the Nazi symbol on the streets of London is disgusting.

‘I’m glad an arrest was swiftly made.

‘It sends the right message that it will not be tolerated. I can’t believe people were defending her.’

Julie Bolton, 54, was also using the station to return home.

She said: ‘It’s a disgrace to see that sign.’

Other controversial signs and chants included ‘From the river to the sea’ – which critics say calls for Israel not to exist.

Even before the demonstration march – and 30 minutes before the nation fell silent at 11am – a vile leaflet which praised Hamas was on sale.

It had been on sale at previous demonstrations.

The pamphlet described the terror group as a ‘resistance movement’.

It said it showed ‘unconditional’ support for Hamas, said it won ‘wide popularity’ among Palestinians and went on to say: ‘We consider Hamas to be a resistance movement against Zionism and imperialism.

‘From this perspective we unconditionally support Hamas when it is engaged in military or non-military struggles against Israel.’

It also described its fighters as having ‘extraordinary heroism’ in the leaflet which was freely handed out at a Socialist Worker stand.

It was in the booklet, with the title ‘A revolutionary perspective on Hamas’, written by Mostafa Omar, of the Revolutionary Socialists, Egypt. It was first written in July 2014.

Hamas is a banned terrorist organisation in Britain.

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