Woman stopped washing and cooking for her husband after he refused to put away her laundry

Mother is praised for refusing to make her husband’s side of the bed, buy him food or do his washing because he didn’t put ‘her’ clothes away after doing the laundry – but critics warn ‘passive aggressiveness’ will ruin a relationship

  • A UK-based TikTok user shared the ‘petty’ way she got revenge on her husband
  • Posting under @mumlifechoseme, revealed she’s stopped doing his chores 
  • Many responses praised the wife, while others warned against copying her 

A mother who filmed her ‘petty’ method of getting revenge on her husband has divided opinion after critics warned passive aggressive behavior can cause the breakdown of relationships.

Posting under the handle @mumlifechoseme, Kelsi Burns, from Yokrshire, explained that she was left frustrated after her husband Matt refused to put her laundry away when asked.

She shared a selection of short clips on TikTok, revealing that she has decided to stop making his side of the bed and now only shops for herself and the kids.

Critics were quick to argue ‘passive aggressive’ behaviour can be damaging for their relationship, while others praised the woman and admitted they would’ve had the same reaction.

Woman stopped washing and cooking for her husband after he refused to put away her laundry

Kelsi Burns from Yokrshire, has sparked a discussion about taking a revenge on your partner after revealing her own ‘petty’ method 

Posting on TikTok, the woman explained she has stopped washing her husband’s clothes (pictured left) and buying his food (pictured right) because he refused to put her laundry away

The woman joked that she chose ‘violence’ including only changing the sheets on her side of the bed 

The TikTok user shared a video sipping a drink as she explained how the situation escalated.

She said: ‘I asked my husband why he hadn’t put my laundry away and he got annoyed.

‘He said, “They’re your clothes”. I chose violence.

‘Only washing my clothes then lol. Only changing the sheets on my side of the bed.

‘Only shopping for me and the kids now, hope you’re not hungry.’ 

A stream of responses praised the woman for taking action against her husband, with one writing: ‘I stopped washing my husband’s clothes, he caught on real quick and does his own. Win.’

Another said: ‘Not petty. Did that with my husband. Left his laundry. He got the message. He started helping’

A third commented: ‘I would’ve done the exact same thing’ 

A stream of commenters praised the woman for getting revenge, with many admitting they would’ve had the same reaction 

However, others disagreed with the method of taking revenge and advised the woman to communicate with her husband.

‘That is passive aggressive behaviour, better talk and discuss your different POV. Maybe he is the provider and he expects better from you,’ one wrote.

Another said: ‘When you find yourself having to do things like this for him to understand, that’s your sign that it’s time to leave’

A third added: ‘Honestly get yourself a new husband at this point’ 

A fourth commented: ‘Do yall not date long enough to work out these things or did ya not live together prior to marriage?’

Others advised the woman to leave her husband, while some warned that they need to communicate 

The TikTok responded explaining that she and her partner have been together for about a decade but they’ve changed over time.

‘What I needed from this man when we were childless people doing shots on the weekend was not the same thing, as when we have two small people dependent on us for their needs,’ she said.

‘There’s two things to think about here, there’s internal and external factors.

‘Internally, just because you got married doesn’t mean you stop evolving as a person. 

‘It might be that your mental health changes or you’re doing more self-care, getting more educated about a topic like weaponized incompetence.

‘What you were ok with a few years ago, you realise you’re not ok with so you have to renegotiate the boundaries. 

‘Externally it might be that your circumstance change. You might get a pet or children. Suddenly there’s a whole new set of care needs that have to be divided up between you that you’ve never discussed before.’


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