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Why do parents equate office work with success?

Entertainment of Friday, 28 June 2024



File photo of a worried woman

Dear GhanaWeb,

I have a personal legend that I believe in, but my parents seem to equate office work with success.

I find joy in cooking. The happiness on my face when I cook is evident. After completing SHS, I expressed my desire to attend culinary school to hone my skills.

Unfortunately, my parents disregarded my passion and enrolled me in a university degree program. Following my graduation, they even sent me abroad for a master’s degree.

During this time, I took an online culinary course and started a small food business that is flourishing.

Despite working for a reputable company for three years, I am unhappy. I am not in the right place. My office job does not bring me the same joy as my cooking endeavors.

My parents believe that office work brings dignity and wealth, but I prioritize happiness over wealth.

I am not seeking riches; I simply want to live comfortably and happily.

I anticipate resistance from my parents if I choose to leave my office job, but I am determined to follow my true passion.

How can I persuade them?

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