Washington city PAYS three cops $500K each in exchange for their resignation after being acquitted on charges of killing black man who cried ‘I can’t breathe’ during his arrest

Three Washington police officers who were found not guilty of killing a black man during his arrest have been paid $500,000 in exchange for their resignation from the department.

Tacoma Police Officers Christopher Burbank, Matthew Collins and Timothy Rankine were accused of killing black man Manuel Ellis who yelled ‘I can’t breathe’ while being arrested in March 2020.

A jury acquitted all three officers in December following a trial that lasted more than two months. Rankine, 34, was charged with manslaughter, while Collins, 40, and Burbank, 38, were charged with manslaughter and second-degree murder.

On Tuesday, the city announced the cops would be leaving the department and would each be paid $500,000, according to their voluntary separation agreements.

‘The City of Tacoma and former Tacoma Police Officers Christopher Burbank, Matthew Collins, and Timothy Rankine have entered into voluntary resignation agreements, separating all three from City service,’ said City Manager Elizabeth Pauli.

Washington city PAYS three cops 0K each in exchange for their resignation after being acquitted on charges of killing black man who cried ‘I can’t breathe’ during his arrest

Three Tacoma police officers, Christopher Burbank, Matthew Collins and Timothy Rankine were paid $500,000 to resign after they were acquitted of killing black man Manuel Ellis 

A violent confrontation ensued between officers and Ellis. Officers pinned him down on the ground, with one cop kneeling on his back as he pleaded that he could not breathe 

The family of Manuel Ellis, 33, who was killed by Tacoma cops in 2020, have already reached a $4million proposed settlement in a wrongful death lawsuit

‘These agreements support a responsible, constructive path forward for our community and the Tacoma Police Department.’ 

Tacoma Chief of Police Avery L. Moore said the officers were cleared of violating the use-of-force policy that was in effect at the time of Ellis’ death.

‘Meanwhile, except for a sustained finding regarding Officer Collins’ violation of the Tacoma Police Department’s policy on Courtesy, the Officers were cleared based on 2020 policies,’ said Moore.

‘The Use of Force policy in place in March of 2020 failed to serve the best interests of the police department or the community. However, because it was policy at the time, it guided my decisions announced today. That policy has since been superseded by a new policy.’

Ellis, a father-of-two known to his loved ones as ‘Manny,’ was killed on March 3, 2020, just weeks before George Floyd’s death under the knee of white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin triggered a nationwide reckoning on race and policing.

Police stopped Ellis while he was walking home from a convenience store with a box of doughnuts and a bottle of water, allegedly for trying to get into someone’s car.

Tacoma police officers Christopher Burbank (left) and Matthew Collins (center), were charged with second-degree murder. Officer Timothy Rankine (right) was charged with first-degree manslaughter

Ellis, a father of two, was returning from a store on March 3, 2020, when he was stopped by police, allegedly for trying to get into cars. Police said they had to restrain him because he attacked them

A violent confrontation ensued, during which officers pinned him down on the ground, with one cop kneeling on his back as he pleaded that he could not breathe. 

The Pierce County medical examiner called his death a homicide and attributed it to lack of oxygen from being restrained. 

Burbank and Collins reported that the encounter happened after they saw Ellis trying to get into occupied cars at a stoplight; they said Ellis punched the window of their cruiser and attacked them as they got out, according to statements from other officers cited in the charging documents.

But witnesses who recorded parts of the fatal interaction reported seeing officers Burbank and Collins attack Ellis without provocation, according to a probable cause statement filed in Pierce County Superior Court.

The Pierce County Council reached a $4 million settlement with Ellis’ family in 2022.

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