Vulnerable energy customers hit back at paltry discounts for slashing their electricity use

Households asked to slash their energy usage to help the National Grid cope with soaring demand in exchange for savings have labelled the scheme a ‘joke’ and a ‘waste of time’ after receiving paltry sums for their sacrifices.  

The electricity system operator activated its Demand Flexibility Service (DFS) for the first time tonight, which rewards people for cutting power between 5pm and 6pm on one of the coldest days of the year.

More than a million households have already signed up to the measure, with 26 energy suppliers, including British Gas, EDF, Eon and Octopus Energy participating.

National Grid claims families will be paid between £10 and £20 to slash their electricity usage. 

But one person who signed up told MailOnline he received an email from energy supplier Eon that said he would only earn ‘around £0.30’ by participating in the DFS initiative. Others claimed they’d only received between £0.38 and £4.07.

Vulnerable energy customers hit back at paltry discounts for slashing their electricity use

Most of the UK’s energy suppliers have signed up to the Demand Flexibility Scheme that will pay families to keep their electricity switched off during peak times this winter – as long as they have a smart meter

The National Grid is encouraging homeowners to take part in the scheme in a bid to avoid potential blackouts – this is how much they could save. Experts have suggested its customers could save as much as £240 this winter if there are 12 Demand Flexibility Service events called by the National Grid

Lee Preston told MailOnline: ‘I signed up (to DFS) because I thought it was a good idea to save energy and money… (Eon) told me I would get 30p.

‘I have autism, ADHD and suffer from anxiety and depression so I am on their vulnerable customer list – I am not sure if they are trying to take advantage of me.’

Another Eon customer, Sharon Priestly, said she had been informed she had earned just 58p. 

Twenty six of the UK’s energy suppliers are taking part in the DFS scheme. Participating households earn around £3 for every unit (kilowatt per hour) they save by keeping their electricity switched off during peak times. 

An Eon spokesperson told MailOnline that customers saved an average of about £1.75 per event across six trials of the energy-saving scheme, and confirmed that 100 per cent of savings are passed directly to the consumer. 

MailOnline has contacted National Grid ESO for comment.  

Diane Pritchard, 74, said: ‘I’ve taken part in this evening’s session as well as six previous (trial sessions) with Octopus Energy. After 5 sessions I’ve earned a total of £4.07. Really a very poor amount. 

‘In the past for sessions I’ve literally switched all electrical items off but have learned my lesson as its not worth it for such a poor return.

‘I’m a 74 year old pensioner with medical issues and am very careful with utility costs but feel this is a joke scheme… a waste of effort.’

The DFS aims to avert sweeping winter blackouts across the UK amid an energy crisis, which deepened after freezing weather and bad conditions for wind turbines left the grid with less supply to meet demand. 

Energy bosses said the initiative could run again on Tuesday evening between 4.30pm and 6pm, though it is yet to be confirmed by the National Grid Electricity System Operator. 

Critics meanwhile have condemned the decision to make it available only to the 29.5million smart meter users, precluding just under half the population from taking part.

Did you take part in the scheme tonight?  


Expressing their fury online, one critic told Octopus Energy: ‘I’ve been trying to get a smart meter installed for 6 months and you can’t/won’t. Because of that I can’t get this peak time discount. How is that fair?!’

Paul Robbins, 70, of Swindon, Wiltshire, had hoped to take part in the scheme but claims he couldn’t find any way of signing up with his provider, British Gas. 

The retired radio engineer branded the scheme a ‘joke’ and said: ‘This is a really badly thought out idea. We have a smart meter and a British Gas account but nowhere on the website or app does it make any mention at all of this scheme. 

‘The whole thing is a joke. It’s something that’s government led and the industry is now scrambling to work out to do it. 

‘They are paying lip service but really haven’t worked out how to make it work. I’ve got bored of the whole thing. It just doesn’t work.’

But Julie Thomas, who is with OVO energy, said she will be taking part in the scheme, adding: ‘This will be the third or fourth I’ve taken part in via OVO. I failed two but on the last one I saved £3.31 over two hours. It can work.’

Brits are taking to social media to display their candlelit or LED-lit setups to see them through the optional blackout

Critics earlier branded the energy-cutting scheme a ‘gimmick’, with experts claiming it is a way to ‘penalise’ those without controversial smart meters.   

Craig Dyke, who is in charge of the project, has refused to rule out using the ‘world-leading’ scheme every winter, saying it will ‘drive forward towards net zero’. Asked if it could become a feature of British life each winter, Mr Dyke told the BBC: ‘It’s something we strongly believe in. This is the start of something much, much bigger’.

The comments drew criticism from industry leaders, with supply chain expert Richard Bartlett saying: ‘The blackout scheme just seems like another gimmick. I can’t see how it’s going to work. 

‘It’s just the Government’s way of rolling through situations without tackling the issue’. 

Mr Bartlett said he is worried about the number of people who may be without heating. He added: ‘The savings that it is going to amount to doesn’t seem worth the amount of work involved. I can’t see myself doing it and I can’t see many others doing it either.’

Households could receive payments of up to £20 if they don’t use ovens, washing machines, tumble dryers, dishwashers, games consoles or decide not to charge cars during the hour.

But the scheme relies on users having a smart meter, a device that automatically transmits your energy usage to your provider every 30 minutes. 

There have been many complaints about the devices, ranging from them logging inaccurate readings that lead to inflated bills to stopping working altogether. 

Wireless technology expert Nick Hunn told MailOnline: ‘If it has an impact, then expect to see a lot more events like this, as it effectively lets suppliers increase costs for users without smart meters. 

‘It’s a very similar approach to what they’ve been doing by moving customers to prepay meters, i.e. penalising the ones who don’t do what the suppliers want. 

‘Given the suppliers have failed dismally to meet their smart meter-fitting obligations, they may see this as a way of offsetting their penalties by blaming customers for not have signed up. 

‘I suspect it would be subject to legal challenge, as in most cases, it’s not the customer’s fault that they’ve not had a smart meter fitted yet, so this is a selective discount. We’re still barely at the halfway point for compliant smart meters being installed’.

Brits shared snaps of their smart meters online to show how little electricity they were using

Some took the opportunity to enjoy candlelit dinners

Snow-covered fields in the Brecon Beacons National Park, Wales, this morning

It came as energy watchdog Ofgem said it is to review the checks and balances energy firms have around placing customers on pre-payment meters, warning it will take further legal action if it finds they are not taking due care.

In a blog, its chief executive Jonathan Brearley said he is concerned about the ‘sharp growth in households struggling to pay their bills being switched over to pre-payment meters, sometimes without their even knowing about it, leaving them without heating’.

Q&A: Can I sign up for the scheme that will pay me to use less electricity? How will it work?

How can I sign up? 

The National Grid will run events asking customers to reduce their electricity use during a set time.

26 companies have signed up. They will either invite customers to sign up or allow them to apply via their websites?

Do I have to take part?

Customers can take part in as many  – or as few  – events as suits them

What do I need? 

To get involved you must have a smart meter that automatically sends half hourly readings.

What will happen? 

1. You will get an alert the day before each event, telling them what window they need to reduce energy use in ie 5pm until 6pm.

2. Customer must confirm they are taking part by text or email

3. Use less energy during the event 

4. They will save money on your bill and earn credit of up to £20 per day

It follows Business Secretary Grant Shapps’ demand over the weekend that energy suppliers stop forcing financially-stretched households to switch to pre-payment meters. He also vowed to ‘name and shame’ the worst offenders.

Ahead of an urgent question in the Commons this afternoon, the Prime Minister’s spokesman said: ‘This is an issue of concern. He [Rishi Sunak] welcomes the fact that Ofgem have said they will look into this. You will know it is something that the Business Secretary has said that the government is keeping a close eye on and we will not hesitate in naming and shaming any suppliers that aren’t following the rules.

‘We will await Ofgem’s work but in the meantime we will be clear that providers need to be treating those who are struggling fairly and lending a sympathetic ear to those who are struggling. We want to see greater efforts from suppliers to help consumers in payment difficulties and Ofgem’s rules already make that clear.’

It is the first time National Grid has implemented the DFS since it was announced last November, as the UK prepares for freezing temperatures this week. 

Craig Dyke, head of National Control at National Grid ESO, suggested the measure could become a regular part of the UK winter. 

He said: ‘It is something we strongly believe in. It provides flexibility for the system and the consumer. We see this as a growing market. We see this as a world-leading step forward into a space where we can only grow and drive forward towards net zero’.

Energy companies say smart meters are mandatory. 

But the rollout of smart meters has been plagued by an industry-wide supply problem. Hundreds of thousands of households are unable to get one because they live in high-rise flats, old properties with thick walls, or remote regions with poor signal.

It comes as temperatures plunge to -8C overnight and ‘freezing fog’ will remain for much of the week.

Is your energy provider signed up? The 26 companies taking part this winter 

  • British Gas – Domestic
  • CarbonLaces – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • Conrad Energy – Non-domestic
  • CUB (UK) Ltd – Non-domestic
  • Drax – Non-domestic
  • EDF – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • ENGIE Power Limited – Non-domestic
  • E.ON Next – Domestic
  • Equiwatt – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • – Domestic
  • Flexitricity – Non-domestic
  • Grid Beyond – Non-domestic
  • Gridimp – Non-domestic
  • Hugo Energy App (via SMS) – Domestic
  • Labrador (via Perse Technology Ltd) – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • (via SMS) – Domestic
  • myenergi (via Orange Power) – Domestic
  • Oaktree Power – Non-domestic 
  • Octopus Energy – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • OVO Energy – Domestic
  • Pearlstone Energy – Non-domestic
  • Power Rewards App (via Orange Power) – Domestic
  • Shell Energy Retail (Via SMS) – Domestic
  • SMS – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • VpowerU – Domestic and Non-domestic
  • Zenobe Energy Limited – Non-domestic

National Grid put three coal-fired power plants on standby over the weekend as the UK grapples with a cold snap following a period of unseasonably mild weather earlier this month.

The UK’s power grid operator gave notification to warm the three units, owned by Yorkshire-based Drax and French generator EDF, in case they are needed to provide additional power to the grid as temperatures remain close to or below zero in much of the country.

National Grid said the move ‘should give the public confidence in Monday’s energy supply’, but stressed that the coal plants would only be used to increase the electricity supply ‘should it be needed’. They were not called upon on Monday.

The grid operator has called on the plants to be on standby again on Tuesday as the balance between electricity supply and demand remains tight.

There are worries that the freezing temperatures and low levels of wind, which reduces the generation of renewable electricity, will put additional strain on the power grid this week.

The coal plants were due to close in September but have been kept open longer as potential backup while the UK grapples with a disruption to natural gas supplies following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Fears Britain could face power cuts this winter started in October when National Grid warned gas shortages could lead to three-hour blackouts in some areas.

The plans were based on a worst-case scenario of the UK receiving no imports of electricity from continental Europe this winter alongside a lack of gas.

Britain depends heavily on natural gas to produce electricity, with gas-fired power stations accounting for more than 40 per cent of its electricity supplies.

But international gas markets were thrown into chaos after Russia shut off most of its supplies to Europe in retaliation for the West’s sanctions.

While the UK does not use much Russian energy, there are fears gas shortages elsewhere could affect imports, leaving the electricity grid facing a supply shortfall.

The typical overnight temperature for England in January is around 2C, but this will fall as low as -8C overnight on Monday. It in turn means the ‘freezing fog’ will take longer to clear, with warnings for motorists likely to remain in place.

A Met Office spokesman told MailOnline: ‘[Overnight], temperatures will get down to below freezing with -8C as a minimum temperature. Moving into Monday morning, the freezing fog will be slow to clear.

What is the Demand Flexibility Service and how does it work?

National Grid has warned that there could be blackouts this winter if gas power plants are not able to keep running due to the energy crisis.

The electricity systems operator said it is still unlikely but winter could see the first planned blackouts, which the grid calls rota load shedding, since the 1970s.

To try to avoid this happening they introduced the Demand Flexibility Service. 

It means domestic users, plus some businesses, will be ‘incentivised for voluntarily flexing the time when they use their electricity’.

Most demand happens during peak hours of between around 4pm and 7pm when people get home from work, put the kettle on, switch on their ovens and sit down to watch TV.

The scheme gives money to people who simply use less power at this time. The overall amount of electricity that people use does not have to reduce if they just change their usage to other times of the day.

For instance, electric cars could be unplugged during these hours, switching the dishwasher on could wait until 9pm and you could put the washing machine on earlier in the day or during the weekend. 

To qualify households have to have a smart meter.

Engineers working on the energy grid need to make sure it is ‘balanced’ at all times.

This means that the amount of electricity being put into the grid by power plants, wind farms and others should match the amount being taken out by households and businesses at any given time.

The grid plans for when it thinks demand can be high so it can ask generators to meet that demand.

But if there is ever an imbalance where demand is higher than supply or supply is higher than demand, it can cause major breakdowns in the grid.

‘Outside of this fog, there will be sunny skies in the morning but it will remain very cold. As the day develops, sunny spells will pick up from the east, turning cloudier. 

‘For northern parts and Scotland, there will be rain particularly in slopes and hilly areas. 

‘Broadly speaking, Tuesday will remain very similar with temperatures again falling overnight but remaining above typical in northern areas.’

Temperatures are typically milder to the south and colder to the north of England and Scotland, but the current weather system is bucking that trend.

The Met Office adds that journey times by car and public transport are likely to be longer than usual, with surfaces likely to be more slippery than usual with a greater risk of injury.

The DFS is among a range of tools designed to help manage the electricity system this winter.

Mr Dyke said: ‘These test results show that, if called upon, this service will help the ESO balance the national electricity network this winter.’ 

At the time of its launch in November last year, John Pettigrew, head of the National Grid, said that ‘a vast majority of suppliers in the UK have now signed up,’ to the scheme.

The National Grid is hoping it will mean less stress on the grid, making better use of the country’s electricity generation by ironing out some of the peaks.

Most customers tend to use electricity at similar times, with a particularly big spike in the evening when people get back from work, start cooking and switch the TV on.

‘We’re really pleased with the take-up,’ Mr Pettigrew said. ‘It will continue to grow as we move through the winter.’

National Grid runs the project, but requires suppliers to sign up so that their customers can take part.

Ofgem approved the proposals for National Grid electricity system operator (ESO) to launch the programme from November until March.

Participating households will be sent a message from their supplier if there is increased pressure on the system.

It will ask people and businesses who have signed up to reduce or move their electricity usage outside peak hours.

Mr Pettigrew said the programme could help take pressure off the grid this winter, but could also be pivotal in determining how electricity might be used by homes in the decades ahead.

In future, experts hope most households with electric cars will plug in when they get home, but that their smart meter will wait until electricity is most abundant — and therefore cheaper — on the grid before charging the car.

‘In my mind it’s a little bit of a glimpse of the future. Because, with smart meters, customers can interact and provide services to networks that they’ve not been able to do in the past,’ Mr Pettigrew said.

‘So, for me, although it’s something that’s a useful insurance policy for this winter for the system operator, it’s actually quite exciting and it’s actually developing products and services that I think will be the norm going forward.’

The National Grid reported a 45 per cent jump in pre-tax profit to £1.6 billion in the six months to the end of September last year, largely due to acquisitions the business has made.

The firm invested a record £3.9billion in capital projects across the UK and the US, as well as work on a cable that will allow Britain to tap into Danish wind power.

No one will be penalised for not taking part in the scheme, and those who sign up can still use as much electricity as they want during peak hours. 

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