Vivek is the top VP pick among Trump’s closest confidantes, Glenn Beck reveals – but South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is the hot favorite

Conservative political commentator Glenn Beck told former President Donald Trump to pick Vivek Ramaswamy as his 2024 running mate, the media entrepreneur claimed.

During an appearance on the Patrick Bet-David’s podcast last week, Beck revealed that Trump – the presumptive Republican nominee – called him to ask his opinion on his VP pick.

‘I said Vivek,’ Beck told the four podcast hosts, adding the former president asked him to explain his answer and said: ‘That’s the No. 1 response from everybody I’ve asked that question.’

Last week, Ramaswamy suspended his presidential campaign the night of the Iowa caucus and immediately endorsed Trump. He has since appeared alongside the former president at campaign events in New Hampshire, where primary voters will cast ballots Tuesday.

Vivek is the top VP pick among Trump’s closest confidantes, Glenn Beck reveals – but South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is the hot favorite

Trump says he’s heard from most people he’s asked that he should choose Vivek Ramaswamy (left) as his VP pick

Conservative pundit Glenn Beck said he told Donald Trump to pick Ramaswamy as his VP because he will defend the Trump message and carry it on in 2028

Beck explained that he told Trump, Ramaswamy will be an effective surrogate for his campaign and its message, as well as being a skilled attack dog and defender of Trump’s record and vision.

‘He can defend you, he’s right in your pocket,’ said Beck. ‘Some of his ideas are really, really good,’ and he ‘connects with the youth.’

‘People are excited about something fresh and different,’ he said of Ramaswamy, also making the case that young voters who supported Joe Biden in 2020 are not supporting him anymore, but haven’t quite moved into Trump’s camp yet. Vivek, he argued, may appeal to those voters.

Finally, Beck told the former president, 77, that Ramaswamy is someone who could potentially carry on his White House legacy, once he’s termed out for good.

‘In 2028, when you can no longer run, you continue for another eight years, and you get the credit for bringing this new fresh face in,’ he said.

Beck noted that Trump remained coy about where his own head is regarding his ultimate pick for his ticket partner.

‘Well. We’ll see,’ Beck said was Trump’s closing thought during their conversation. 

At present, Vivek remains a strong odds-on pick for the veep slot, but currently ahead of him on US betting markets are South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, whose name has floated around Trump-world since early in his first term, and House GOP Chairwoman Elise Stefanik.

Noem is the current favorite according to, but the situation is dynamic and the primary is long.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is the current favorite for Trump’s VP choice, but the situation is dynamic and the primary is long

Trump has reportedly seen Stefanik as an up and coming star and has been impressed by her consistent loyalty

Last week, Trump spent Tuesday night with businessman and former rival Vivek Ramaswamy in New Hampshire – just one one night after he won the Iowa caucus by 30 points and Ramaswamy suspended his campaign and immediately endorsed Trump.

Ramaswamy, 38, a charismatic multi-multi-millionaire, came in a distant fourth in the Iowa caucuses, behind Trump, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley.

After Ramaswamy pledged to help him beat President Joe Biden, Trump seemed to suggest that there was much the successful entrepreneur could do for his campaign. 

‘He’s going to be working with us and he’ll be working with us for a long time,’ Trump said, as many in the crowd chanted for Ramaswamy to become the vice presidential nominee.

‘He’s a fantastic guy,’ Trump said. ‘He’s got something that’s very special because he started off with a zippo and he ended up very strong.’ 

‘He did a great job. I was actually surprised when he called because he was doing well. And it’s an honor to have his endorsement,’ Trump added.

On Monday night, Trump was complimentary of Ramaswamy during the Trump campaign’s victory celebration. 

‘I also want to congratulate Vivek because he did one hell of a job. He came from zero … that’s an amazing job,’ Trump said. 

Later Trump commended Ramaswamy on Truth Social for endorsing him.

‘Thank you Vivek, a Great Honor!’ wrote the presumptive Republican nominee.

Trump and Vivek embrace at a campaign event in New Hampshire one day after the Iowa caucus, which Trump handily won. Ramaswamy dropped out after a fourth-place finish and immediately endorsed the former president

Former President Donald Trump is reportedly eyeing Representative Elise Stefanik to battle President Joe Biden if he wins the Republican nomination

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is also making her case for the ticket partner gig and Team Trump is reportedly listening.

At a Mar-a-Lago dinner back in December, Trump reportedly called Stefanik a ‘killer,’ citing her loyalty and saying he’s been impressed. 

‘Stefanik is at the top,’ said longtime Trump backer and 2016 chief strategist Steve Bannon, according to CNBC.

‘If you’re Trump, you want someone who’s loyal above all else,’ said one GOP operative. ‘Particularly because he sees Mike Pence as having made a fatal sin.’ 

Stefanik is campaigning with Trump ahead of Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary but declined to comment when asked about the VP job.

But, during a recent Meet the Press interview, she certainly didn’t say no.

‘Well, I, of course, would be honored to serve in any capacity in a Trump administration,’ Stefanik said.

Stefanik became the first member of Republican leadership to offer her endorsement of Donald Trump‘s reelection bid, before the former president has even formally announced a run himself.   

‘Republican voters determine who is the leader of the Republican Party and it’s very clear President Trump is the leader of the Republican party,’ Stefanik said in a statement.

‘I am proud to endorse Donald J. Trump for President in 2024. I fully support him running again,’ the New York Republican said. 

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