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Vision FC open vacancies for various positions in club

Football branding and merchandizing remain key pillars of Association Football.

The emergence of brand ambassadors in world football is a testimony of the value of branding in talent development, image expansion and corporate partnership.

The name Vision FC appeared to have taken over Ghana football with an unmatched combination of talent development and commercial imagery leaving its competitors miles away.

Vision FC are widely known for producing great talents like Samuel Owusu, Ernest Boateng, Alex Yamoah, Michael Baidoo and hosts of others and want Volunteers to work with the club.

According to the club statement, they are looking for all types of Volunteers who are willing to put their skills to use; younger/ Older person, with or without experience graduates or professionals.

Club Mission

Train, educate and prepare talent for all life as football professionals. Make a positive difference and contribute socially to our community. Create equal opportunities for future stars. Create an ideal balance between sports, social responsibility and a sustainable business model. Fair play, team spirit and effort are top priorities.

Club Offer

If you are interested in football, motivated and keen to assist, then our internship program for volunteers will offer you an excellence opportunity to put your Skills to use. Vision FC volunteer project creates a win-win situation. Work with experienced, open-minded and global thinking experts in the football industry.

Work on projects under the supervision of our Global partners. Offers you international work experience.

Available Positions

1. Coaching, Scouting, Psychology, Physio and Medical.

2. Sports Management

3. Digital Media (Video Recording, Editing, Graphics, Photography and Social Media).

4. IT, Website Design, Programming, Developing

5. Sales & Marketing, Business Development, Sponsoring

6. Administration, Legal, Finance and Accounting.

Interested persons are encouraged to submit their application to email address or contact the leadership of the team on 0262430000/ 02494606000/ 0242975994

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