Violent burglary minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve leaves frail couple in their 80s in hospital

A frail couple in their 80s have been hospitalised following a violent burglary in their own home minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve. 

Mary Wilkinson, 86, suffered a ‘shattered hip’ in the attack after she was shoved into a sideboard. 

Her husband Lawrence, also 86 and a former borough councillor and honorary Alderman known as Slim, received multiple cuts and bruises to the head after he was put in a headlock and repeatedly punched. 

Police were alerted by a neighbour who heard the terrified couple’s ‘screams and cries’ and rushed over to help them at their modest terraced house in King’s Lynn, Norfolk. 

The callous intruder escaped with a single bag containing only a few Christmas lights and decorations, according to relatives. 

A neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: ‘I had gone to bed at 10.30pm and came off my phone at around 11.10pm. 

Violent burglary minutes before midnight on New Year’s Eve leaves frail couple in their 80s in hospital

Lawrence Wilkinson, 86, a former borough councillor and honorary Alderman known as Slim, received multiple cuts and bruises to the head after he was put in a headlock and repeatedly punched

‘I was just settling down to sleep when I heard a door open and the sound of hurried footsteps. Then I heard the sound of screams and cries. 

‘My initial thought was that Slim was watching something a bit dark on TV because I am used to hearing their TV at night. 

‘I got my clothes on and went outside and I saw him staggering around his doorway. He was worried about his car and I made him go inside. 

‘I heard Mary scream and saw that she had fallen into an office chair in the lounge. 

‘Slim had quite a few facial injuries and some blood on his face. He told me that he had been dragged up on the back of a chair and repeatedly punched after being put in a headlock. 

‘Mary had been violently shoved into a sideboard and looked like she had fallen into the chair. She had quite a lot of hip pain.  

‘Both of them were shocked and shaken up. Bruising was coming up on Slim’s face by the second. He had cuts and a gash by his ear.’ 

Mr Wilkinson told the neighbour the man had gained access to the house by coming to the front door and claiming he was being chased. 

They added: ‘When I got outside, I didn’t see anybody. It seemed to have been a short and frenzied attack. 

‘I phoned the police and an ambulance and stayed with them until they arrived.’ 

The neighbour said a stranger possibly connected to the attack rang his doorbell at around 6.30pm on New Year’s Eve and again 20 minutes later, claiming he was there to ‘pick up a bag’. 

A family member confirmed reclusive Mrs Wilkinson had been forced to leave her home for hospital treatment after breaking her hip. 

She and her husband were both taken to the town’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital where they remained today.

Mr Wilkinson, described as a ‘larger-than-life character and really on the ball’, served for many years as a Labour councillor on King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council, representing the nearby Wiggenhall villages. 

He is understood to have been a Labour party agent for 50 years and is one of 13 past members of the council to hold the honorary title of Alderman for ‘outstanding service’. 

Another neighbour, Roy Jacklin, 72, said: ‘It is terrible that an elderly couple were attacked in their own home. 

‘Slim is a friendly chap. He loves to talk about the old times and what he got up to when he was younger. We would always say good morning and wave at each other.’

Police forensic officers have been searching for clues in the Wilkinsons’ £150,000 two-bedroom Victorian home, where they are understood to have lived for 64 years.

Norfolk Police confirmed they were treating the incident as an aggravated burglary and appealed for witnesses or CCTV footage. 

A spokesman said: ‘An unknown man entered the address and assaulted both a man and a woman before taking a number of items.

‘The man and woman were taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital with serious injuries, where they remain.’ 

The suspect is described as being around 5ft 10ins tall, of medium build with dark hair and facial stubble. 

He spoke with an English accent and wore a hooded sweatshirt with a dark coat on top and grey jogging bottoms.

Police today confirmed Mary Wilkinson remained in hospital but her husband had been discharged.

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