UK Covid cases continue to grow: Infections increase by 20% in a week

Britain has recorded 49 coronavirus deaths today and 32,253 new positive tests. 

Last Sunday had seen 61 deaths, meaning today’s figures represent a drop of 20 per cent, but there were 26,750 cases – a number which grew by 20 per cent. 

Most recent vaccination data, from August 21, shows 87.7 per cent of the population aged 16 and over have received their first dose, and 76.7 per cent have had two. 

The new positive test rate over the last seven days is 227,391 – an increase in 13.5 per cent on the previous seven-day figure.

There were 687 deaths within 28 days of a positive test recorded in the last week, up by 52 from the last week’s number. 

The data comes as the Government announced a UK-wide antibody testing programme to be launched for people who have contracted coronavirus.

UK Covid cases continue to grow: Infections increase by 20% in a week


Britain has recorded 49 coronavirus deaths today and 32,253 new positive tests

The programme, which will offer tests to thousands of adults per day, aims to improve understanding and gain ‘vital’ data about antibody protection following Covid infection and vaccination.

From Tuesday, anyone over 18 from any of the four UK nations can opt in to the programme when receiving a PCR test.

Of those who test positive for coronavirus, up to 8,000 will be sent two finger prick antibody tests to complete at home and send back for analysis.

The first must be taken as soon as possible after the positive result, and the second must be taken 28 days later.

The UK Health Security Agency, which is running the programme, will work alongside NHS test and trace services in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and use the results to monitor levels of antibodies in positive cases across the UK.

The Department of Health and Social Care says it will be the first time antibody tests have been made available to the general public, and the scheme could also provide insight into any groups of people who do not develop an immune response.

The data will be used to inform the ongoing approach to the pandemic and give further insight into the effectiveness of vaccines on new variants.

Mother-of-three, 31, dies of Covid after two-week battle against virus ‘despite receiving first dose of vaccine’  

Katie Gill, 31, from Moreton, passed away on August 14 after she was admitted to Arrowe Park Hospital with breathing difficulties 

A mother-of-three who ‘lived for her family’ has tragically died of Covid-19 following a two week battle against the virus in hospital.  

Katie Gill, 31, from Moreton, Merseyside, was admitted to Arrowe Park Hospital with breathing difficulties after contracting the virus earlier this month.

However Ms Gill, who had received her first dose of the Covid vaccine and had no underlying health conditions, deteriorated quickly and passed away on August 14, leaving behind her husband and three children.

Best friend Karen Rotheram, who described Ms Gill as ‘the loveliest, kindest, funniest person’, said her health declined within just ten days. 

She said: ‘Katie was the loveliest, kindest, funniest person, who would do anything for anyone.

‘She went into hospital at the start of August and had been struggling with Covid at home before that.

‘It was her breathing, the usual, so she had to go to hospital and she deteriorated from there.

‘It was really quick, within just 10 days.

‘Katie was one of those people when there’s been lockdowns who was totally careful, would do everything she could to keep her family healthy.

‘Because of her age, because she was just 31, that’s why it was so much more of a shock.

‘She’d had a jab and was keeping safe.’

Ms Rotheram has now urged others to remain cautious of the dangers of Covid which is ‘still there’.  

She continued: ‘I think that’s what people don’t understand.

‘Okay, we’re out of lockdown and we’re getting back to the new normal but Covid’s still there.

‘It doesn’t have an age, some people recover some people don’t but everyone should be aware.

‘Although you can do a lot of things now, you still need to be aware and get your jabs.

‘Katy was due to get her second one this month. She took her first jab to protect herself and her family.’

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the programme will build on the ‘massive wall of defence’ that is the UK vaccination programme.

‘Our new national antibody testing will be quick and easy to take part in,’ he said.

‘By doing so you’ll be helping strengthen our understanding of Covid-19 as we cautiously return to a more normal life.

‘I’m proud to see all parts of the UK uniting around this new initiative and working together to arm ourselves with even more valuable insights into how Covid-19 vaccines are protecting people up and down the UK.’

Those taking part must take the first antibody test as soon as possible after receiving a positive PCR result so the body does not have time to generate a detectable antibody response to the infection.

The second test should be taken 28 days later and will measure antibodies generated in response to the infection.

UK Health Security Agency chief executive Dr Jenny Harries said: ‘We are rolling out antibody testing across the UK to gain vital data into the impact of our vaccination programme and on immune responses to different variants of Covid-19.

‘This innovative programme is only possible thanks to the thousands of people who continue to help with studies on vaccine and treatment effectiveness each week.

‘The best way to protect yourself and those around you is by getting vaccinated.

‘I encourage anyone who has not yet come forward to book their first and second jabs.’

The announcement comes amid ongoing debate over the rollout of booster jabs in the UK.

Dr Chris Smith, consultant virologist and lecturer at Cambridge University, warned the UK must not take its ‘eye off the ball’ with Covid-19 vaccinations and that the virus could come ‘roaring back’.

Dr Smith said a decision on booster jabs should not be ‘rash, (or) rushed’, and that the Government is considering a more ‘strategic’ approach.

Mr Javid has said he is ‘confident’ a booster vaccine campaign can start next month despite reports that experts want more time to consider whether they are needed.

The Government said a further 104 people had died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 as of Saturday, and there had been a further 32,058 lab-confirmed Covid-19 cases in the UK.

Speaking on BBC Breakfast, Dr Smith said: ‘We all agree that (the pandemic) is not over until it is over in every corner of the world, because otherwise it will just come roaring back.

‘But one must not take one’s eye off the ball here because it would be very easy to unstitch all of the good work we’ve done so far if it turns out with time we do lose immunity because the vaccines wane in their effectiveness.

‘As we go into winter, now is a critical period and I think that is why we haven’t seen a rash, rushed decision by the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) and the Government.’

He added: ‘While other countries are embarking on booster programmes, people are taking stock, they are looking at the data and maybe making a decision on how to intervene strategically in certain groups.’

Research by the National Office for Statistics (ONS) recently found more than three-quarters of adults in every age group say they would be likely or very likely to get a booster jab if offered.

Overall, 87% of adults surveyed by the ONS said they would be likely or very likely to get a third coronavirus jab.

Likelihood increased with age, with 96% of those aged 70 and over indicating their interest, down to 78% of 16 to 29-year-olds.

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