Tyrone Marghuy listed in NSMQ team while Achimota school appeal his admission in Court

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Tyrone Iras Marghuy has been listed in the National Science and Maths Quiz for the Achimota school although his admission into the school is being contested.

This has been disclosed by a human rights activist and senior law lecturer, Professor Stephen Kwaku Asare, who wrote in a Facebook post.

“Achimota has named Tyrone Iras Marhguy in its squad for the National Maths and Science Quiz for the next two years and it is in court, with the assistance of the State, seeking to kick him out of the school. 

Look, our problems are simple. It is our solutions that complicate them. Congrats, Tyrone, ignore the noise!”, he wrote.

Tyrone Marhguy and Oheneba Nkrabea were refused admission because of their dreadlocks; with Achimota school insisting they cut them off before they could be admitted. High School admits the Rastafarian students.

According to the court, the school’s refusal to admit Tyrone Marhguy and Oheneba Nkrabea is an infringement on their fundamental human rights and right to education.

The presiding judge, Justice Gifty Adjei Addo granted all seven reliefs sought by the applicants except for the award of cost.

But in its appeal, Achimota School and the Attorney-General’s office said the court among others erred by indicating that the rules and regulations of Achimota School about ensuring uniformity in appearance is unlawful and interferes with the manifestation of one’s religious rights.

The school is, thus, praying the Appeals Court to set the entire judgment that orders it to admit the student aside.

The school also want the court to force the students to comply with the school rules and regulation if they want to continue schooling at the institution.

The Attorney-General also want the court to grant Achimota school’s request.

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