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Trump trial live updates: Jury deliberations begin as ex-president says ‘Mother Teresa could not beat these charges’

Trump trial live updates: Jury deliberations begin as ex-president says ‘Mother Teresa could not beat these charges’


Donald Trump‘s fate in the Manhattan hush money trial is now in the hands of the jury after marathon closing arguments on Tuesday.

Following six weeks and 22 witnesses, the panel of 12 Manhattan residents will decide if the 77-year-old will be the first former president found guilty of a crime.

The jury returned on Wednesday to hear instructions from the judge before they were sent out to decide their verdicts on 34 counts of falsifying business records. 

Now, the world waits for the verdict. 

Follow’s live coverage from our reporters inside the courtroom. 

Donald Trump Jr. made a TikTok account on Tuesday to slam the ‘sham’ prosecution against his father

Trump’s son Don Jr. posted for the first time on TikTok as he awaits the jury to come to a decision in the hush money case.

‘If you think for one second that this ends with Donald Trump you have not been watching what’s been going on in the Democrat Party in the last few years. They want power at any and all cost your rights be damned that cant happen.’

President Biden signed a bill earlier this month that gave TikTok nine months to divest from Chinese-owned parent company ByteDance or else face a U.S. ban.

Former President Donald Trump, who tried to ban TikTok in 2020, came out against the law, arguing it would make Facebook more powerful.

Interestingly, Don Jr. himself gave a chilling warning about the platform in 2020 saying it could be ‘weaponzied’ against kids.

‘Having access to all your photos and contacts and emails and the spyware that’s there. I mean this is something that could haunt your kids forever.’

‘Like, what could possibly go wrong?’ she said, triggering titters around the court.

Some 18 years later, a jury must now decide whether or not that set in train a series of events that led a future president to falsify business documents in order to hide a $130,000 hush money payment as part of an effort to win the 2016 election. Along the way, jurors heard Daniels’ story of having sex with a man more than 30 years her senior, about how a tabloid sleaze-monger offered his help to the 2016 Trump campaign, and how it all ended with Trump signing checks for his trusty fixer in the White House.

But prosecutors did not have it all their own way. The seven men and five women of the jury must also weigh the fact that Michael Cohen, the star witness connecting Trump to the falsified documents, admitted stealing from his former boss.

This is the key testimony:

Trump: Mother Teresa could not beat those charges

Donald Trump slammed the case against him as ‘rigged’ upon leaving the courtroom.

‘Mother Teresa could not beat those charges,’ Trump said speaking to the media. ‘But we’ll see.’

The ex-president also went after Judge Merchan.

‘The judge is so conflicted that he can’t breathe,’ he claimed.

Trump blasted Merchan for contributing to President Biden and suggested he’s done ‘far worse than that, but I’m not allowed to talk about it because of a gag order.’

The gag order prevents Trump from talking about the witnesses or court officers in the case, but he has been free to go after the judge, which he has on numerous occasions.

‘It’ll be talked about, but I’m not allowed to talk about it,’ he claimed.

Trump also went after actor Robert De Niro who appeared outside the courthouse yesterday for the Biden campaign.

Trump called De Niro a ‘broken down fool’ who ‘got MAGAed.’

New York artist unveils parody painting of Trump in boxing ring with DeNiro

Outside of court, Artist Scott LoBaido unveiled a portrait of Trump standing over Robert DeNiro in a boxing ring.

It comes after the actor appeared Tuesday outside of the ex-president’s hush money trial as a representative for the Biden campaign.

De Niro – who appeared alongside Capitol Police officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone – called Trump a ‘clown’ and got into a shouting match with MAGA supporters outside the Manhattan courthouse.

Trump gave De Niro’s performance a review after midnight Wednesday on Truth Social.

‘I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, Wacko Former Actor Robert De Niro was,’ the ex-president said about the 5-foot-10 star.

What are the possible outcomes in the Trump hush money trial?

The twelve jurors in the Trump hush money case have now begun their deliberations.

Judge Juan Merchan reminded the jurors during his instructions that they must reach a unanimous decision for each count.

Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

Here are the possible outcomes:

Not Guilty: The jury finds Trump not guilty on the 34 felony charges against him.

Guilty: The finds the ex-president guilty on any one of the 34 charges against him, a combination of charges against him or all the charges against him.

Hung Jury: If the jury is unable to reach an unanimous verdict in the case, it will result in a hung jury and a mistrial.

If the jury has questions as it deliberates, jurors have been instructed to send a note to Judge Merchan.

The courtroom is hushed, except for the tapping of dozens of journalists’ laptops

From Rob Crilly, Senior U.S. Political Reporter in courtroom 1530:

The jury has gone and there is no evidence to present. The judge whispers quietly to a court officer.

Courtroom 1530 has crackled with electricity for weeks but now is oddly still. Just the tip-tapping of journalists’ keyboards gives a sense of the importance of this moment, as a former president waits to find out whether a jury will find him guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The first president in history to be tried in a criminal court.

Two jurors return briefly to be shown how to use a laptop filled with case evidence and leave smiling with the computer.

Trump watches it all from his usual position, sitting back in his leather chair, head tilted to one side.

Judge Juan Merchan announces that he is headed for his robing room, but tells the two sides not to leave the building in case the jury has questions. A minute or two later Trump and his team stride out headed to their private room.

Judge clarifies all evidence will be available on a laptop

Judge clarifies all evidence will be available on a laptop.

He asks for volunteers from the jury to be shown how to operate it.

Jurors four and six will be shown how to operate the laptop.

‘All rise,’ says the bailiff and the 12 jurors step out briskly, some clutching notes to their chests, to begin their deliberations. They all look ahead, not glancing as they walk past Trump, who stands as they exit.

They were sent out at 11:27am.

The judge thanks the alternates for their diligence, and asks them to hang around in case they are needed.

He then says jurors four and six have volunteered to be shown how to use a laptop that contains all the evidence.

Was Trump sleeping again in court?

During jury instructions, Donald Trump appeared to slump to the side at one point, his eyes closed.

He then snapped back upright a few seconds later.

Several other times he leaned back in his chair, his eyes appearing to be closed.

Merchan concludes his jury instructions

That concludes my instructions on the law, counsel please approach

And with that Judge Juan Merchan concludes his instructions at 11:23 am, after speaking for an hour and 13 minutes. A brief conference with defense and prosecution follows as the jury wait to be sent out.

Judge Merchan instructs jury on deliberations

Judge Merchan is explaining how jury deliberations will work.

He also explains the role of the foreperson.

When the jury reaches a verdict – guilty or not guilty – the full jury will be asked to come to court.

First, the foreperson will be asked if they’ve reached a verdict, then the whole jury will be asked, and then individual jurors will be asked.

If they have a question or request they must write a note which will be given to the judge.

He says they will work until the court adjourns.

The judge is wrapping with rules that jurors must obey once deliberations begin

‘During the deliberations you must discuss the case only among yourselves,’ says Judge Merchan. ‘You must not discuss the case with anyone else, including court officers.’

He is listing the rules facing jurors. They must remain in the room while deliberations are under way. Lunch will be provided. And today they will work till 4:30pm. That may change on other days but it is unlikely they will have to work past 6pm.

It is up to the prosecution to prove its case; the defense has to prove nothing

The judge is reminding the jury that the defense has to prove nothing. Nor should jurors read anything into the fact that Trump did not testuify. The onus is on the prosecution to prove that Trump is guilty.

‘The defendant is not required to prove that he is not guilty. In fact, the defendant is not required to prove or disprove anything,’ says Merchan.

‘If people satisfy their burden of proof you must find the defendant guilty.’

Judge Merchan explains difference between motive and intent

Judge Merchan is now explaining the difference between motive and intent.

He notes that intent is an element of the crime, but motive is not.

Trump’s glamorous aide and ‘human printer’ Natalie Harp is in court

Trump’s trusted aide Natalie Harp was spotted holding papers as she entered court today.

Harp, 32, an ultra-loyal aide who is now a fixture in Trump’s entourage.

In MAGA world they call her ‘The Human Printer’ and few have more access to the potential next President of the United States.

The platinum blonde carries in her duffle bag a portable printer, batteries and plenty of paper to feed Trump’s insatiable desire for news.

MAGA supporters gather outside the courthouse as Trump fans eagerly await a verdict

His fiercest critics including Michael Cohen have shared their dreams of seeing Donald Trump behind bars.

But a far more realistic outcome if he is convicted in New York is he ends up having weekly phone calls to check in with a probation officer or has to visit Bronx school kids to teach them about crime, legal experts say.

The defendant who complains he is a victim of ‘sham’ prosecution in a ‘rat’s nest’ of corruption may even get to design his own community service program.

Judge Merchan reads what is in the law

After going through all 34 counts against Trump, Judge Juan Merchan is reading what is in the law in order to find a defendant guilty of falsifying a business record in the first degree.

Judge Merchan is going through the 34 counts against Trump

Judge Juan Merchan is now reading through the charges against Donald Trump and the definitions.

Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.

Merchan used the first count to explain what the jury must find before reading through the other 33 counts and invoices, vouchers and checks they pertain to.

Trump lawyer Alina Habba tore into Judge Juan Merchan in Fox News appearance

Trump lawyer Alina Habba ripped Judge Juan Merchan for sustaining objections brought by the prosecution during the trial. She told Fox news Tuesday night the judge flashed ‘anger’ in the courtroom.

She also predicted a hung jury in the case.

Judge glares at Trump’s team as phone plays video interrupting his remarks

Judge Juan Merchan’s soothing words are halted briefly by the sound of a phone playing a video. It echoes through the silent courtroom. Merchan is deeply unimpressed, glaring at Trump’s defense table.

In fact the sound came from just behind the table, from among the two rows of Trump’s aides. Right then his lawyer Alina Habba was posting a video of herself on Fox News to X.

Judge to jurors: set aside any bias or opinions about defendant Donald Trump

Judge Juan Merchan has urged the jurors to ‘set aside’ any bias or opinions in favor of or against defendant Donald Trump.

He has also instructed them to consider only the evidence.

Merchan reminds the jurors that the defendant is presumed to be innocent.

‘You must find the defendant not guilty unless you conclude the people have proved him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt,’ Merchan says.

He also tells the jurors the fact that Trump did not testify is ‘not a fact that any inference may be drawn.’

Merchan reminds them that a defendant is not required to prove he is not guilty.

Judge Merchan adopts a soothing tone as he delivers his instructions while Trump sits back

Judge Juan Merchan began delivering jury instructions at 10:10. ‘Members, of the jury, I will now instruct you on the law,’ he says. The instructions are likely to take about an hour, as he spells out relevant aspects of the law the jurors will need to reach a verdict.

He is an experienced judge and has run a tight case, despite the provocations of Trump, his allies and even one of the defense witnesses (Robert Costello, who was warned his expressions of exasperation put him in danger of being found in contempt to court.)

This is his key moment, making sure the jury knows exactly what is expected of it. He is delivering his speech in a level, even tone. It is soothing and gentle, even as he spells out the limits of what the jury can and can’t do.

The jury is dialed in, even after the late night on Tuesday. Some of the jurors look more smartly dressed, swapping out yesterday’s sweater for a well-pressed shirt in more than one case.

Trump is sitting back in his seat as the instructions are dlivered. He faces dead ahead with his eyes half closed, just as he has for much of the trial.

The jury has been seated and receiving instructions

Judge Merchan greets the jury ‘good morning jurors.’

He is now instructing them on the law.

Merchan will finish instructions by outlining how jury deliberations will work.

He says the process will take about an hour.

Trump’s Truth Social account sends out a flurry of posts

Donald Trump’s Truth Social account is firing off a series of posts as jury deliberations are set to begin today.

There could be a lot of activity for him on social media as he is expected to remain inside until a verdict comes in.

In one post he wrote in all caps ‘DEFENSE OF COUNSEL DEFENSE!’

Another reads ‘THE D.A.’s OFFICE WAS ALLOWED TO GO ON WITH 5 HOURS OF BULL…. YESTERDAY. I have no rights against this Crooked Judge’s Gag Order!’


Several other posts quote legal experts and personalities on Fox News about the hush money case.

‘Good morning Mr. Trump’

Judge Juan Merchan has begun today just as he has every day, by saying good morning to the defendant Donald Trump.

Trump, just as he has every day, has not responded, setting the tone for the way he has treated proceedings – with a mix of indifference and disdain.

Trump arrives in courtroom with Don Jr.

After family and friends day for closing arguments on Tuesday, Donald Trump arrived in courtroom 1530 without much of an entourage. Don Jr has taken a seat in the front row, but the rest of the seats are taken up by the familiar faces of his aides – lawyer Alina Habba, adviser Boris Epshteyn and spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt. Trump’s friend, the investor Steve Witkoff, seems to be the only extra person with him.

Trump himself did not stop and talk in front of the cameras in the hallway. Perhaps a hangover from last night’s late finish?

The defense was warned last night that none of the retinue will be allowed in or out as the judge delivers his jury instructions.

Trump calls ‘small’ Robert De Niro a ‘wacko’ after actor was heckled by MAGA fans outside hush money trial

Harvey Weinstein to appear in same court building as Trump trial today

Harvey Weinstein is expected to appear before a judge this afternoon in the same New York City courthouse where former President Donald Trump is on trial.

Weinstein is awaiting a retrial on rape charges after his 2020 conviction was tossed out.

Wednesday’s court hearing will address various legal issues related to the upcoming trial, which is tentatively scheduled for some time after Labor Day.

Weinstein’s original trial was held in the same courtroom where Trump is on trial now, but the two men are unlikely to bump into each other.

Weinstein is in custody and will be brought to and from the courtroom under guard.

He will be appearing in a courtroom on a different floor than where Trump is currently on trial.

Donald Trump departs Trump Tower

Former President Donald Trump has departed Trump Tower on his way downtown to the Manhattan criminal court.

Trump did not wave or look toward the cameras as he made his way to his motorcade.

Trump rages about the ‘kangaroo court’ and ‘corrupt judge’

Donald Trump raged about the ‘kangaroo court’ and the ‘corrupt and conflicted judge’ just before he left Trump Tower.

He posted on Truth Social:


Trump lawyer Alina Habba spotted outside Trump Tower

Donald Trump’s lawyer Alina Habba was spotted outside Trump Tower with Don Jr. ahead of the ex-president’s departure for the Manhattan criminal court.

She has appeared in the courtroom throughout the hush money trial.

Donald Trump Jr. waits outside Trump Tower as his father prepares to head to court

Exclusive: Stefanik files misconduct complaint against judge overseeing Trump’s hush-money trial claiming his selection is ‘not random at all’

GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, who is in the running to be Trump’s VP, has filed a misconduct complaint against the judge overseeing the hush-money trial.

Stefanik has called for an investigation into Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over Trump’s trial in New York state court, to ‘determine whether the required random selection process was in fact followed’.

She has alleged that Merchan, whom she claims is a Democrat Party donor, has repeatedly been assigned to criminal cases linked to Trump and his allies.

Where’s Allen Weisselberg? The key witness who never testified in the hush money case

The prosecution did a good job of shoring up their unreliable witness Michael Cohen with corroborating documents. But there is one glaring hole. Cohen is the only person who testified that Donald Trump himself signed off on the repayment scheme at the heart of the case during a Trump Tower meeting days before his 2017 inauguration as payment.

Yet one other person was apparently present at the meeting: Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization’s chief financial officer.

So where is he? That question will almost certainly feature in Judge Juan Merchan’s directions to the jury, who will be wondering why he did not appear as a witness.

His whereabouts are easily answered: He is serving five months at Rikers Island jail complex. But his reason for not appearing is more complex.

He was imprisoned for lying under oath to protect his former boss in a civil fraud case. Not the sort of witness that the prosecution wants.

But he also received a $2m severance deal when he left the Trump Organization, which continues to pay his legal bills. And the defense made no effort to bring him as a defense witness, knowing that all of that would have been brought out to undermine any evidence he delivered.

The result is that Weisselberg is the key witness who never testified. And the judge will likely tell jurors not to draw any conclusions at all from his absence.

Twelve Manhattan residents have Donald Trump‘s fate in their hands as the historic hush money case against the ex-president heads to jury deliberations.

Through six weeks of sometimes salacious and other times grueling witness testimony the jury listened closely as prosecutors laid out their case and Trump’s defense team attempted sow doubt.

Seven men and five women – including a corporate lawyer and a woman who called the ex-president ‘selfish’ – will ultimately determine if Trump is guilty or not guilty of hiding a $130,000 payment to porn star Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about their alleged affair in an effort to influence the 2016 election.

Trump slams Robert De Niro as ‘small’ and a ‘wacko’

The defendant in the case has responded to the appearance of Hollywood star Robert De Niro outside court yesterday.

In bizarre scenes on Tuesday, De Niro, 80, spoke on behalf of the Biden campaign, calling Trump a ‘clown’ who wants to ‘destroy the world.’

Writing on Truth Social, Trump said:

I never knew how small, both mentally and physically, Wacko Former Actor Robert De Niro was. Today, De Niro, who suffers from an incurable case of TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, commonly known in the medical community as TDS, was met, outside the Courthouse, with a force far greater than the Radical Left – MAGA.

Robert, whose movies, artistry, and brand have gone WAY DOWN IN VALUE since he entered the political arena at the request of Crooked Joe Biden, looked so pathetic and sad out there. Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio!!!

Closing arguments in Donald Trump’s hush money trial finally wrapped at 8pm on Wednesday after prosecutor Joshua Steinglass’s marathon four-hour pitch to the jury.

The former president’s lawyer Todd Blanche started the day by telling the jury they could not convict his client on the words of a ‘liar’ and ‘thief’ Michael Cohen.

He was rebuked by the judge for telling the panel their verdict could land Trump in jail.

Steinglass then went through his case in painstaking detail and argued there is ‘overwhelming evidence’ Trump falsified business documents to cover up a $130,000 payment to keep Stormy Daniels quiet about their alleged affair.

The hush money deal, Steinglass said, could ‘very well’ have helped Trump win the 2016 election.

Actor Robert De Niro squared off with Trump supporters outside the former president’s hush money trial Tuesday in New York after calling him a ‘clown’ who wants to ‘destroy the world.’

De Niro showed up alongside Capitol Police officers Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone as special guests of President Joe Biden‘s campaign.

The actor called Trump a ‘clown’ but also warned that reelecting him would be dangerous.

‘I love this city I don’t want to destroy it. Donald Trump wants to destroy not only the city but the country and eventually he could destroy the world,’ De Niro said.

A group of Trump supporters could be heard in the background chanting, ‘f*** Joe Biden,’ with one person yelling at the actor, ‘your movies suck!’

Donald Trump said nothing in the courtroom as his lead defense attorney delivered his closing argument that the former president should be found not guilty of falsifying business records.

Todd Blanche’s two-and-half-hour statement was shot through with the words and fingerprints of the defendant himself, making it part legal argument, part campaign address.

There was a belittling nickname for a key witness—’Michael Cohen is the GLOAT. The Greatest Liar of All Time’—frequent references to prosecutors as the ‘government’ (when in New York State court it is ‘the people’ who bring prosecutions) and a final incendiary reference to his client facing prison.

‘You cannot send someone to prison … you cannot convict somebody based upon the words of Michael Cohen,’ said Blanche, raising an immediate objection from the prosecution.

Welcome to’s live coverage of the Trump hush money trial as the jury prepares to deliberate

Donald Trump’s fate in the Manhattan hush money trial is now in the hands of the jury after marathon closing arguments on Tuesday.

Following six weeks and 22 witnesses, the panel of 12 Manhattan residents will decide if the 77-year-old will be the first former president found guilty of a crime .

The jury returns on Wednesday to hear instructions from the judge before they will be sent out to decide their verdicts on 34 counts of falsifying business records.

Then the wait will begin for the verdict, which could come as soon as today.

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