Touching moment dog breeder brings puppy that was born without a heartbeat back to life in scenes reminiscent of 101 Dalmatians

This is the touching moment a dog breeder saves a puppy’s life after it was born without a heartbeat.

In scenes reminiscent of the beloved Disney film 101 Dalmatians, TikToker Liam Paws can be seen holding the tiny pooch in a towel before giving it mouth-to-mouth after the dog got stuck in the birth canal.

The 26-year-old breeder from Norwich thankfully brought the puppy back to life in a video viewed more than 2.5million times.

Liam said: ‘This video was a moment in which I was reviving a puppy back to life for a client whose dog was going into labour, and I was helping with this. The pup was stillborn and so I had to bring it back to life after two minutes and three seconds, I did just that.

‘In the moment I was very much focused, and tunnel-visioned. I didn’t have a lot of room for emotional thoughts – I had a responsibility and a job to do, with an innocent life depending on me.’

Touching moment dog breeder brings puppy that was born without a heartbeat back to life in scenes reminiscent of 101 Dalmatians

At first the puppy is limp and lifeless having been stuck in the birth canal and born without a heartbeat

Liam immediately gets to work performing CPR and using the towel to stimulate the newborn French Bulldog

In the 101 Dalmatians scene Roger uses a towel to stimulate Pongo’s stillborn pup, bringing it back to life

Liam is trained in rescuing and bringing dogs back to life, but this one scared him as it took longer than he had expected

Many comments drew parallels between the video and a scene from a famous Disney film, one said: ‘It’s crazy, in 101 dalmatians the animation team got this process correct’.

In the 1961 animated classic Roger uses a towel to stimulate one of Pongo’s stillborn puppies, bringing it back to life to the delight of its mother who watched on just like the one in Liam’s video.

The scene was replicated in 1996’s 101 Dalmatians live action remake with Jeff Daniels playing Roger.

The puppy’s mother looks on alarmed as Liam performs mouth to mouth

After over two minutes the pup finally takes its first breath with mum still fixated on her baby

Liam holds up the baby Frenchie as it starts to show more signs of life with the mother appearing to relax slightly

Eventually the pup takes its first breath and its little face is revealed to Pongo

Pongo is delighted that Roger managed to save her pup and thanks him with a big kiss on the chin

The action of rubbing a stillborn puppy with a towel is known as ‘working a pup’ and it works by stimulating and drying the skin.

Other comments pointed out the mother’s alarmed face fixated on her puppy as she watched Liam try to save him.

Liam has since posted updates on the pup and said he is ‘perfectly healthy and doing amazing’.

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