Tory voters see red over Boris’s treatment of Blue Wall heartlands

Tories see red over treatment of Blue Wall with more than half of 2019 Conservative voters saying the party’s heartlands are being ‘taken for granted’ as Boris Johnson woos working class ex-Labour seats with levelling-up agenda

  • 52% of 2019 Tory voters believe Mr Johnson is taking heartlands for granted 
  • They included 61% of Tories who backed Remain in 2016 and 54% of graduates 
  • The polling, obtained by MailOnline, was carried out for the Liberal Democrats

Boris Johnson is facing more disquiet from voters over his treatment of the Tories’ Blue Wall heartlands as he woos former Labour supporters in the north, MailOnline can reveal today.

More than half (52 per cent) of people who voted for the Conservative in 2019 believe he is taking these supposedly safe seats ‘for granted’ as he makes ‘levelling up’ working class areas a priority of his first term.

And just six per cent of those who backed him in the election two years ago did not feel that the Tory shires were being ignored by the party.

The polling, obtained by MailOnline, was carried out for the Liberal Democrats, who believe they can steal seats in the Blue Wall at the next election.

In June they inflicted a brutal by-election defeat, overturning a 16,000 majority to win in the Chesham & Amersham constituency, which had been an ultra-safe Tory since being created in 1974.

Some 61 per cent of those who voted Remain in the Brexit referendum in 2016 and Toru in 2019 felt the Blue Wall was being taken for granted.

The sentiment was also shared by 54 per cent of graduates, another key group of voters the Lib Dems can be persuaded to go yellow at the next election.  

Tory voters see red over Boris’s treatment of Blue Wall heartlands

More than half (52 per cent) of people who voted for the Conservative in 2019 believe he is taking these supposedly safe seats ‘for granted’ as he makes ‘levelling up’ working class areas a priority of his first term (figures may be affected by rounding) 

In June the Lib Dems inflicted a brutal by-election defeat, overturning a 16,000 majority to win in the Chesham & Amersham constituency, which had been an ultra-safe Tory since being created in 1974.

In the by-election Liberal Democrat Sarah Green won with a majority of 8,028 over Conservative David Fleet, gaining 21,517 votes – nearly 57 per cent of the total – to his 13,489, 35.5 per cent, on a turnout of just over 52 per cent.

Even half of Tory Brexiteers shared the sentiment, in figures that might cause some alarm at Conservative HQ.

Chesham & Amersham, in Buckinghamshire on the outskirts of London, voted strongly for Remain at the 2016 referendum. Opposition to the overhaul of planning rules and HS2 are also thought to have been a major factor – with Lib Dem candidate Sarah Green against the rail project even though the national party supports it. 

In the by-election Liberal Democrat Sarah Green won with a majority of 8,028 over Conservative David Fleet, gaining 21,517 votes – nearly 57 per cent of the total – to his 13,489, 35.5 per cent, on a turnout of just over 52 per cent. 

Dame Cheryl Gillan held a 16,000 majority from the 2019 General Election when she died in April. 

Even half of Tory Brexiteers shared the sentiment, in figures that might cause some alarm at Conservative HQ.

The pol, conducted by Savanta ComRes using a sample of 2,092 people, asked: ‘The phrase ”Blue Wall” has been used to refer to constituencies, mostly in the South and South East of England, which have traditionally voted for a Conservative MP in Westminster elections. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: ”Conservative MPs take voters in ‘Blue Wall’ constituencies for granted”?’

The findings are the latest warning sign that Mr Johnson’s Red Wall focus could cost him seat elsewhere.

It June a poll found that the Conservatives could lose more than a dozen seats in their southern and eastern heartlands.

Support for the Tories had plunged by eight points since the 2019 landslide, a YouGov survey found.

It suggests that if a general election were held immediately, the party would lose 12 seats they have always held, with nine going to Labour and the other three to the Liberal Democrats.

A further five constituencies would be on a knife-edge including Esher and Walton, represented by Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. 


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