Tomorrow Movement climate protesters storm Parliament House and SING on the foyer steps

Chaos in Canberra as climate protesters storm Parliament House and SING ‘whose side are you on?’ on the foyer steps – before being dragged away by cops

  • Tomorrow Movement activists crammed onto marble steps of Parliament House
  • ‘History will remember, which side are you on?’ they sang to Anthony Albanese
  • Continued protest on Parliament House lawn along with Greens and ‘teal’ MPs 

Radical climate activists have stormed Parliament House and sung a protested song on the steps of the foyer.

Dozens of young protesters from the Tomorrow Movement crammed on to the marble stairs early on Monday afternoon until police dragged them away.

‘Whose side are you on?’ they repeatedly belted out, appearing to ask politicians whether they represented the people or big business.

‘History will remember, which side are you on? Will you stand with us or the wealthy few?’ they continued.

Tomorrow Movement climate protesters storm Parliament House and SING on the foyer steps

Dozens of young protesters from the Tomorrow Movement crammed on to the marble stairs of Parliament House early on Monday afternoon until police dragged them away

The sudden, loud protest caused chaos just as police and security were preparing for the arrival of Governor-General David Hurley to open Parliament.

‘Police have stopped young people who have traveled to Canberra from sharing their stories in Parliament. Labor needs to listen to the community and deliver real solutions to climate, jobs and housing crisis,’ the group said.

‘History will remember you, Albo.

‘Our voices weren’t allowed in the building today. But will you listen to the young people who need so much more than weak targets? We need a real plan to address the climate, jobs and housing crisis.

Outside up to 100 more protesters were joined by Greens MPs to demand Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s government do more to tackle climate change.

Outside up to 100 more protesters were joined by Greens MPs to demand Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s government do more to tackle climate change

Tomorrow Movement thanked the minor parties and independents who came out to meet them, and slammed Labor for ignoring them

Greens senator Jordan Steele-John and independents Monique Ryan, Larissa Waters, and David Pocock spoke with the protesters, and Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson made a speech in support.

‘Fires, harvests ruined by floods and families still living on ovals. That’s the cost of living with climate inaction,’ he said.

Greens senator Mehreen Faruqi added her support on Twitter: ‘Young people are showing the rest of us, through action, how to secure their future and oppose the politicians that seek to destroy it.’

Senators Peter Whish-Wilson (left) Larissa Waters (second from left), Jordan Steele-John (second from right) and Monique Ryan (right) spoke with the protesters

Independent senator David Pocock also posed with the protesters in their demands for climate jobs

Tomorrow Movement thanked the minor parties and independents who came out to meet them, and slammed Labor for ignoring them.

‘Despite being dragged out of Parliament, a lot of politicians did come outside to listen to the young people demanding real solutions to the climate, jobs and housing crisis,’ it said.

‘But do you notice who is missing? The Australian Labor Party.’

The protesters also received the support of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union.

‘Casual reminder to everyone who cares that economic justice is a core part of climate justice,’ it tweeted.

‘When technocrats chide us about a “pragmatic climate target” what they really mean is they’re absolutely fine with a significant percentage of poor people suffering and dying.’


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