TikTok creator shares a shocking insight into an $800 a week rental in vibrant Melbourne suburb

Would you pay $800 a week to live here? Melbourne property with missing tiles, a derelict backyard and a VERY dingy kitchen outrages prospective renters

  • Jordan posted a review of the questionable rental property on TikTok on Sunday
  • The shocking $800 a week rental house is located in Melbourne suburb Fitzroy
  • The TikToker highlighted concerning features of house showed in online listing 

A five-bedroom home with missing tiles, a dingy kitchen and a rundown backyard is up for rent for $800 a week. 

Jordan, who is known for reviewing absurd rental properties on his TikTok account, posted a video on Sunday of the rental house located in Melbourne‘s vibrant inner suburb of Fitzroy. 

Many followers were shocked by the clip, with one calling it a ‘crime scene’.

The house apparently features five bedrooms, two bathrooms and one parking space, but Jordan noticed that only one picture of a complete bedroom is shown.

‘This is a five-bedroom house and there’s only one picture of a bedroom and I’m pretty sure it’s not even in this house,’ he said.

Another image shows a different room that may have previously been used as a kitchen.

TikTok creator shares a shocking insight into an 0 a week rental in vibrant Melbourne suburb

The questionable house is advertised as including five bedrooms, but Jordan noticed that only one picture of a complete looking bedroom is shown

The room has two cupboards randomly placed in the room, missing tiles along the wall and the floor and walls missing a proper coating of paint.

Jordan mentioned the long flowing curtains that have been placed in the room and noted that the rental house was perfect for individuals who enjoy ‘mop curtains’.

Another image showcases another room that may have previously been used as a kitchen and features missing tiles, and walls missing paint

The rental property’s kitchen only features a stovetop with an oven, a sink and several rundown red cabinet drawers with white walls that also has a noticeable area where paint is missing. 

‘Yeah, so for $800 a week, you’re clearly going to get a f*****g state of the art kitchen,’ Jordan said sarcastically.

The TikToker also expressed his concerns over an image of what could be an empty bedroom filled with a carpeted floor and a hallway.

‘I’m not sure whether that is carpet or floor paper,’ Jordan expressed.

‘I hope it’s floor paper because if it’s carpet that means it’s f*****g mould. But if it’s floor paper it’s just old.’

The TikToker also expressed his concerns over an image of what could be an empty bedroom filled with a carpeted floor and a hallway

The photo of the property’s backyard highlights an odd graphic painted on the garage door, an unfinished wall that has outlines that resemble doors and windows, along with a paved floor and dirt full of weeds.

‘I think if I invited my mum to an afternoon tea here in my backyard without any warning, she would have me involuntarily admitted to a mental hospital,’ Jordan said.

The image of the property’s backyard highlights an odd graphic painted on the garage door and a wall that has outlines that resemble doors and windows

He also mentioned that it was apparent the outlines along the backyard wall were where doors had once been placed but jokingly said the landlord probably thought it was best not to ‘open this little can of worms.’

Many users of the social media site expressed how bizarre the property looked and believed it wouldn’t meet the minimum standards for a rental house.

One user wrote: ‘Are there not basic livability standards?’

‘This place is an $800 crime scene,’ another expressed.

While a third user said: ‘Pretty sure this wouldn’t be compliant with the rental minimum standards.’


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