Thousands of anti-vaccine passport protestors march through London

Thousands of anti-vaccine passport protestors march through London over government’s ‘Plan B’ that could see Covid passes introduced in nightclubs and sports events

  • Protestors marched through Piccadilly Circus at around 1pm holding signs reading ‘no vaccine passports’
  • Some demonstrators held signs saying ‘medical freedom’ while others flew the St George’s flag 
  • No10 is considering introducing Covid passes at night clubs and large events under its winter ‘Plan B’ 


Thousands of demonstrators took to the streets of London this afternoon to protest against the possible introduction of vaccine passports as part of the Government’s winter Covid ‘Plan B’.

Protestors marched through Piccadilly Circus in the centre of the city at around 1pm, holding signs reading ‘no vaccine passports’.

Few wore face coverings as they walked through the busy streets under the supervision of police. Some held signs saying ‘medical freedom’, while others flew the St George’s flag.

Video footage show some demonstrators clashing with officers outside the Australian Embassy as the most peaceful protest became more aggressive.

Thousands of anti-vaccine passport protestors march through London

Thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of London this afternoon to protest against the possible introduction of vaccine passports

Video footage show some demonstrators clashing with officers outside the Australian Embassy as the most peaceful protest became more aggressive

Protestors shout in the face of three officers standing outside the embassy. A woman pushes one of the officer before he pushes them back and a man shouts ‘stop the violence’

Few wore face coverings as they walked through the busy streets under the supervision of police. Some held signs saying ‘medical freedom’, while others flew the St George’s flag

Protestors marched through Piccadilly Circus in the centre of the city at around 1pm, holding signs reading ‘no vaccine passports’

In the video, protestors shout in the face of three officers standing outside the embassy. A woman pushes one of the officer before he pushes them back and a man shouts ‘stop the violence’.

London Metropolitan Police said: ‘Demonstrators gathered outside Australian House as part of a protest taking place in central London today. 

‘Officers outside the property prevented demonstrators from causing criminal damage.’ 

Conspiracy theorists Piers Corbyn — brother of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn — and David Icke attended the protest. 

No10 is considering bringing in the mandatory use of vaccine passports at venue including clubs, sporting venues and other large events under its winter ‘Plan B’.

No10 is considering bringing in the mandatory use of vaccine passports at venue including clubs, sporting venues and other large events under its winter ‘Plan B’

The protest was organised by the Together Declaration — an association of groups campaigning against ‘the unnecessary authoritarian Government response to Covid’

Experts are divided on whether increased restrictions will be necessary this winter, with ‘Professor Lockdown’ Neil Ferguson — whose grim modelling predicting around 500,000 deaths at the start of the pandemic caused the Government to impose the first nationwide shutdown — this week suggesting ‘shouldn’t be necessary’, if cases keep dropping and the booster roll-out continues at speed.

Daily cases fell for the seventh day in a row today, with 41,278 new coronavirus infections recorded, down 8.2per cent on the 44,985 recorded last Saturday.

The passes are already used when travelling abroad, allowing holidaymakers to display their vaccine status at borders and avoid self-isolation on return from non-red list destinations. 

The protest was organised by the Together Declaration — an association of groups campaigning against ‘the unnecessary authoritarian Government response to Covid’.

Signatories to its letter against vaccine passports include ex-footballer Matt Le Tissier, actor-turned-politician Laurence Fox and journalist Toby Young.


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