There’s a ‘good chance’ Hillary Clinton will run for president against Donald Trump in 2024

A former top advisor to Bill Clinton says there’s a ‘good chance’ Hillary Clinton will run against Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election if the current administration loses Congress in the midterms.

Dick Morris claimed Sunday morning a Clinton-Trump rematch is likely if the Democrats don’t pull the successful results in November’s election, alleging the failure would cause the party to turn on President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

‘There’s a good chance of it,’ Morris told WABC radio host John Catsimatidis before applauding the former presidential nominee’s campaign strategy, which could see her face-off against Donald Trump again after Trump beat her to the White House in 2016. 

‘Hillary has set up a brilliant, brilliant strategy that nobody else is able to do.’

He continued: ‘What she’s done — at a point at which no Democrat is willing to come out and criticize Joe Biden, but all Democrats are disappointed with him and have to realize the ultimate correctness of our accusations that he was incompetent to be president — she has set up a zero-sum gain with him. 

‘The worse he does, the better she does because she’s positioned herself as the Democratic alternative to Biden.’

There’s a ‘good chance’ Hillary Clinton will run for president against Donald Trump in 2024

Dick Morris claimed there’s a ‘good chance’ for a Clinton-Trump rematch and believes Clinton has ‘set up a brilliant, brilliant strategy’ by positioning herself as the opposition to the Biden-Harris Administration

Morris also claimed Clinton, 74, has portrayed herself as the opposition to the extreme left and cautioned her own party to be cognizant of the candidates they’re running in what she refers to as ‘purple districts’. 

That appears to be an attack on ‘woke’ progressive policies that have been blamed for turning many centrist Dems away from the party. 

The former political advisor alleged ‘there is only one person capable of that level of thinking — and that’s her husband, Bill.’

Although Clinton has not yet said if she intends to enter the bid for president in 2024, she has publicly taken aim at the current administration’s efforts, saying they ‘mean nothing if we don’t have a Congress that will get things done and we don’t have a White House that we can count on to be sane and sober and stable and productive’.

Morris alleged Clinton is well positioned to be the Democratic party’s change candidate who can reference Biden’s failures, noting that a ‘left-wing took over the party and led us into disaster in the 2022 midterms’.

A former top advisor to Bill Clinton says there’s a ‘good chance’ Hillary Clinton (pictured December 2021) will run against Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election if the current administration loses Congress in the midterms

‘The person who staked out the turf first and owns the turf in the Democratic Party is going to be Hillary. It’s a brilliant, brilliant strategy​,’ he explained. 

His comments come just weeks after Clinton warned the Democratic Party it needs to be ‘clear eyed’ about what wins elections – a tacit warning that its progressive wing risks handing midterm victories to the Republican Party. 

She told NBC‘s Willie Geist last month that Democrats needed candidates who could win in purple states if it was to have a Congress that will ‘get things done.’

Her comments reflect divisions in both parties, as centrists grapple with fringes that offer ideological purity and headline generating Twitter accounts. 

For Democrats, that means the so-called Squad of progressives – including the likes of Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar.   

‘I think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections, and not just in deep blue districts where a democrat and a liberal Democrat or so-called progressive Democrat is going to win,’ said Clinton.  

Morris believes President Joe Biden (right) and VP Kamala Harris (left) will lead the Democratic party into a ‘disaster’ in the 2022 midterms. He believes this is beneficial to Clinton’s campaign saying: ‘The worse he does, the better she does because she’s positioned herself as the Democratic alternative to Biden’

‘We’ve got to be very clear eyed about what it’s going to take to hold the House and the Senate in 2022. And to win the electoral college because also Republicans are doing everything they can to create an environment in which winning the Electoral College, even narrowly the way Joe Biden did will be out of reach for Democrats,’ she argued in December, just weeks after the party’s defeat in Virginia’s gubernatorial election.

She added that she understood why politicians would want to argue for their own priorities. 

‘But at the end of the day, nothing is going to get done if you don’t have a Democratic majority in the House, in the Senate, and our majority comes from people who win in much more difficult districts and our majority in the Senate comes from people who can win in not just blue states and hold those wins … but can win in more purpleish states,’ she said. 

‘So this is going to be a very intense period, not just for the Democratic Party, but for the country.’ 

Morris, referencing her commentary, said Sunday: ‘She was absolutely right and nobody else has the guts to say that.’

He alleged other Democrats had to keep their alliance with the extreme left because ‘that’s their potential base’.

Morris’ remarks come just weeks after Clinton, during an NBC interview (pictured), warned the Democratic Party it needs to be ‘clear eyed’ about what wins elections – a tacit warning that its progressive wing risks handing midterm victories to the Republican Party

She said last month that Democrats needed candidates who could win in purple states if it was to have a Congress that will ‘get things done” as opposed to the so-called Squad of progressives  like Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (left) and Ilhan Omar (right)

‘Hillary can say “go to hell, I don’t care about you guys. I’m going to be the anti-Chirst, I’m going to run against you.” Therefore, she’s the only one between now and the end of the midterm elections who’s prepared to say what the truth is,’ Morris said.

He added: ‘She staked out a ground, not on ideological issues, but on pragmatism.’ 

Morris’ statements echo those made last week in a Wall Street Journal op-ed making a case for a Clinton 2024 run.

The authors cited Biden and Harris’ poor poll numbers, alleging they could open doors for the former Secretary of State.

‘She is already in an advantageous position to become the 2024 Democratic nominee,’ Democratic political consultant Doug Schoen and former New York City Council president Andrew Stein wrote. 

‘She is an experienced national figure who is younger than Mr. Biden and can offer a different approach from the disorganized and unpopular one the party is currently taking.’ 

However, others argue Clinton isn’t ‘forward-thinking’ enough to secure a bid for the 2024 race.

‘Democrats have a rich history of bringing old-school politicians out of the stables for a comeback and having them get slaughtered,’ Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Campaign Change Committee, told The Hill Sunday.

Although neither Clinton (right) nor Trump (left) have announced plans to run in 2024, political analysts have made cases for both of them (Pictured: 2016 presidential debate in New York)

‘Not just Hillary Clinton in 2016 but Senate candidates like Ted Strickland in Ohio, Russ Feingold in Wisconsin, Phil Bredesen in Tennessee and Walter Mondale in Minnesota.’

‘We need forward-looking leaders who stand for a new vision and not the politics of yesteryear that everybody hates,’ he added. 

Although Clinton has not formally stated if she plans to run for president in 2024, a source close to the former First Lady and her husband claims the couple wants to return to prominence in the Democratic Party.

‘It’s a perpetual itch that will never go away,’ the insider told Politico. ‘They know how to slowly reenter. The Clintons want to reset the board in their favor and then move the pieces.

Trump also hasn’t announced if he plans to run 2024, but he has publicly said he’s thinking about it.’

‘I think a lot of people will be very happy, frankly, with the decision, and probably will announce that after the midterms,’ he said in an interview in November.

Recent polls have shown he is favored above other potential Republican candidates.

In a Reuters survey published last month, 54 percent of Republicans said they would pick Trump as their top choice. Eleven percent indicated they favored Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. 

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