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The economy is in a mess, but Akufo-Addo getting off unlike Mahama

The Public Relations Officer of the Abbosey Okai Spare Parts Dealers Association and the Ghana Union of Traders Association (GUTA) has criticized the leadership of the group, accusing them of partisanship and being lenient with the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP).

Kwadwo Tachie claims that the leadership has not adequately addressed the government regarding the current state of the economy and the depreciation of the cedi, which is impacting their operations.

Speaking on ‘Frontline’ on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, he expressed that if the National Democratic Congress (NDC) were in power, the leadership would have mobilized members to close their shops and stage demonstrations to express their concerns over the economic crisis.

He conveyed to host Kwabena Agyapong, “We have failed and are pretending that the country is heading in the right direction when, in reality, we are in a severe economic crisis.”

Tachie emphasized that the depreciation of the cedi has affected their operations, leading to an increase in the prices of spare parts. Currently, the Finance Ministry is conducting a meeting with business groups, including spare parts dealers.

However, Tachie believes the meeting is superfluous and that leadership should have boycotted it.

“I am outraged and furious and do not understand why our leadership would honour this meeting. They should have boycotted it because it was unnecessary. The situation has deteriorated. We should be on the streets by now.

“In 2015, we criticized the previous government and demanded better leadership. If not for hypocrisy, why would our leadership honour a meeting when we never afforded the previous government the same opportunity?

“We did not give the previous NDC government any respite. We are facing a severe economic crisis, yet our leaders have failed to mobilize and take action.

“We should be on the streets now. Our members should be closing their stores. I don’t understand why we have treated this government with kid gloves when we did not do the same previously.”

He also rebuked the media, accusing them of not holding the government accountable. He observed that the media scrutinized the NDC government and reported numerous stories, but the same is not happening now.

“When the NPP is in power, they don’t receive the same scrutiny as the NDC. The majority of our leaders do not hold the NPP accountable as they do with the NDC. Are they not human beings? We should be bold, hold every government accountable, and demand better leadership. The truth is, our leadership is partisan.

“The cedi has depreciated to unimaginable levels, yet we have remained silent. I am extremely angry about this and do not wish to elaborate on why this is happening. They will hear from us on Sunday. Some of us will no longer tolerate this. We will speak up and demand better,” he charged.

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