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The advocacy of a travailing Bishop

The advocacy of a travailing Bishop

Rt. Rev. Samuel Noi Mensah, Presiding Bishop of the Full Gospel Chapel International

Good Governance advocacy of Rt. Rev. Samuel Noi Mensah, Presiding Bishop of the Full Gospel Chapel International (FGCI) was deservedly recognized with a sterling award — THE ADVOCATE OF GOOD GOVERNANCE AWARD — during the colourful GhanaWeb Excellence Award in Accra on Saturday, December 11, 2021.

Bishop Mensah needs no introduction when it comes to “travailing” in advocacy on governance and leadership issues in Ghana and the continent of Africa.

Grounded in intellectual depth and professional expertise in leadership as a practitioner in consulting, training and mentorship undertakings, Bishop Mensah has never shied away from advocating for what he calls “Governance in Continuity” as a necessary end to ensuring rapid and sustained people-centred development of Ghana.

This governance and leadership standpoint has been the launchpad of his unrelenting advocacy travails through the pulpit, seminars, print and electronic media engagements and also in his speeches and presentations on international platforms.

In walking the talk of his governance and leadership clout, Bishop Mensah presents a clear vision of what and where his advocacy passion intends to take his constituents to, in this context, Ghanaians. That destination is a transformed Ghana where people-centred development is, and remains the unfettered centrepiece of governance and leadership in the crucible of “governance in continuity”.

Without mincing words, Bishop Mensah’s active voice in governance and leadership issues in Ghana is what stands him out as a revered elder statesman in Ghana.

He has demonstrated his unyielding patriotism and passion to advance the course of inclusive development in Ghana. He has also exhibited fearlessness in his critique of even political leadership. Even more, admirably, is his neutrality to public discourse and such an approach to leadership is critical to sustaining our democracy.

His downright persistence on moving Ghana on a principled course for rapid socio-economic transformation that is driven by visionary leadership has been his governance and leadership mantra.

He forcefully vocalises this unyielding governance and leadership standpoint in his leadership seminars, training programmes, and mentorship sessions in sermons and very actively in both print and media publications and engagements.


Bishop Mensah is a significant writer. The depth of his works is a reflection of his immense governance and leadership standing. His articles on burning national issues which are published by the press and online platforms are bold, incisive, awakening, innovative and solution-focused.

Such articles published in the Ghanaian dailies include: “Governance in Continuity, Good for Ghana’s Development” (Daily Graphic of 1st October 2018); “Term Limits for President: One Term of 6 Years Enough” (Daily Graphic of 1st June 2021); “Stakeholder Engagement needed for Proper Implementation of Free SHS Policy” (Daily Graphic of 7th August 2018); “Call Your Followers to Order! Akufo Addo told” (Ghanaian Times of 17th January 2017); “Portrait of a Leader for Socio-Economic and National Development in Ghana” (Part 1-4, The Spectator of 30th April, 7th, 14th and 28th May 2016); and “National Vision” (The Heritage of 24th September 2012).

With more than 16 publications and author of the best-seller, Vision, The Fuel That Drives Leaders (2016), Bishop Mensah has several critical books on governance and leadership which continue to impact institutional and faith-based organisational reforms and real transformation.

Congratulations, Bishop Samuel Noi Mensah!

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