Texas realtor who took private jet to Capitol riot calls her 60-day jail sentence a ‘travesty’

The Capitol rioter sent to jail after bragging she was too white and blonde to go to prison launched into a Twitter rant aimed at the media after being sentenced to 60 days behind bars.

Texas realtor Jennifer ‘Jenna’ Ryan, 50, tweeted that she was making a ‘blanket statement’ to those who were trying to contact her before writing: ‘You win!!! I’m going to prison. 

‘So you don’t need to contact me anymore. Pop champagne and then rejoice. But just leave me alone. Thank you’.

She had earlier called her conviction for entering the Capitol illegally a ‘travesty’ in a video posted online after she was sentenced. 

Ryan took a private jet to the Capitol riot on January 6 for a date with a man who dumped her hours later.

Texas realtor who took private jet to Capitol riot calls her 60-day jail sentence a ‘travesty’

The rant came after a judge sentenced her to 60 days in prison on a misdemeanour charge fro entering the Capitol building illegally

Texas real estate broker Jennifer ‘Jenna’ Ryan (pictured), 50, told media outlets trying to contact her after she was sentenced that they had won and to ‘pop champagne’ at her jailing 

Ryan posed for photographs outside the Capitol building before entering illegally during the riot which left five people dead. 

She later bragged that she’d be spared a custodial sentence because of her hair colour and ethnicity.

Ryan faced four charges and pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor account after admitting that she ‘paraded, demonstrated or picketed’ inside the Capitol when she knew she didn’t have permission to be there, according to Huff Post.`

On Thursday US District Judge Christopher Cooper sentenced Ryan to 60 days in jail and told Ryan: ‘You were a cheerleader, you cheered it on’ despite playing a ‘lesser role in the criminal conduct that took place’ than many others did.

Ryan threw up a peace sign as she stood on the steps of the Capitol on January 6, which left five people dead. She has consistently maintained that she did nothing wrong and has no regrets

Ryan candidly tweeted before the start of her trial and was proven wrong when Cooper announced the guilty charge and said: ‘You’re not being singled out for your political views or anything like that. It’s how and where you decided to express them’

‘But that does not mean that you don’t have any culpability in what happened that day,’ he added, noting that Ryan knew she wasn’t going to a peaceful protest when she left her hotel room that morning.

Before the start of the trial Ryan responded to a tweet warning her she was destined for custody, saying: ‘Definitely not going to jail. Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I’m not going to jail. Sorry to rain on your hater parade. I did nothing wrong.’

But she was proven wrong Thursday when Cooper announced her conviction and and said: ‘You’re not being singled out for your political views or anything like that. It’s how and where you decided to express them.’

It’s unclear whether anyone else in the group Ryan traveled with the Washington was arrested in connection with the riots. 

When the judge brought up the tweet Ryan claimed that she didn’t mean that she ‘was above prison’ when she wrote it, adding that she ‘just shouldn’t tweet,’ according to Huff Post.

‘I just felt that it would be unlikely since I was pleading to entering the Capitol for two minutes and eight seconds. Now I realize that was a false notion but having a false notion does not automatically mean I deserve incarceration,’ she wrote in a letter to the judge. 

‘A tweet of me taking up for myself against a bully who is harassing me does not indicate that I feel above-the-law,’ she added. 

Ryan previously said she went to the riot on a whim after receiving a Facebook message from a handsome stranger looking for people to join him at the rally then-President Donald Trump was holding at the White House on January 6.   

‘He was adorable,’ said the single realtor, who told NBC News earlier this year that she loves Trump, firmly believes his unfounded claims of voter fraud and has always wanted to attend one of his rallies.  

‘So I said: ‘Heck yeah, let’s go.’ I mean, who wouldn’t go and get on a private jet?’ she added. 

After agreeing she asked her friend Brian to come with her as a ‘bodyguard’, and once inside the cabin Ryan shared several photos of the group getting to know each other while drinking and bonding over their mutual love for Trump.

But unfortunately for Ryan, the pairing wasn’t meant to be.

Ryan added: ‘There was another adorable girl there, too, and they ended up getting together, darn it.’

Ryan revealed that she decided to go to DC on a whim after receiving a Facebook message from a handsome stranger looking for people to join him at the rally Trump was holding at the White House. Pictured: Ryan (left) with the new friends she joined on the jet. She did not identify her crush by name but he is presumed to be one of the three men above

Ryan’s Twitter plea asking for help paying for legal fees racked up thousands of replies in a matter of hours – the majority of them from unsympathetic critics who pointed out the irony of asking for money after she boasted about her posh private flight to DC

Ryan posted this photo inside the cabin of the plane on Facebook and said the group spent the flight getting to know each other while drinking and bonding over their mutual love for Trump

Ryan is the only member of the jet group facing charges for involvement in the MAGA riots

Although Ryan didn’t identify her crush by name, it’s possible he is one of the three men she and another woman were photographed with alongside the private jet before their flight to DC. 

Two days after the riot, Ryan realized she had much bigger problems than the failed romance as the FBI identified her as a person of interest and shared grabs of a livestream she filmed of herself storming the Capitol. 

She turned herself in to authorities before the end of January for her role in the Capitol siege, which left five people dead, and has consistently maintained that she did nothing wrong and has no regrets. 

‘I’m glad I was there, because I witnessed history,’ she added later. ‘I’ll never get the chance to do that again. No one will probably ever be able to go near [the Capitol] again,’ she told NBC. 

She was released from custody hours later and returned home, where she demanded that Trump pardon her from charges of knowingly entering a restricted building and disorderly conduct.

But the demand went unanswered as Trump left office and Ryan was put on trial in Washington, DC. 

At one point Ryan even turned to fellow MAGA fans for help. ‘I am accepting donations to pay legal fees and losses due to my arrest and charges by the FBI for protesting at the US Capitol. Thank you for your support. Any amount helps,’ she tweeted in January along with a link to her PayPal account.

Ryan documented the fallout from her attendance at the Capitol riot on Twitter. At one point she even turned to fellow MAGA fans for help

‘I have to go to trial in Washington DC for this misdemeanor. I believe I was wrongfully arrested and charged and we have to fight for my freedom and [clear] my name,’ she added in another post. 

While Ryan did manage to scrape together about $1,000 in donations, the plea racked up thousands more replies in a matter of hours – the majority of them from unsympathetic critics who pointed out the irony of Ryan asking for financial assistance after she boasted about her posh private flight to DC. 

At the end of the hearing Cooper advised Ryan to think about what sources she relied upon for her news in the future, as reported by Huff Post.

Ryan also posted a photo of a broken window on Twitter, writing: ‘Window at The capital. And if the news doesn’t stop lying about us we’re going to come after their studios next’

Ryan posted a 21-minute livestream on Facebook as she made her way to the Capitol, telling the camera: ‘We’re gonna go down and storm the Capitol. They’re down there right now and that’s why we came and so that’s what we are going to do. So wish me luck.’ The video has since been deleted but was described in an affidavit for her arrest 

Two days after the insurrection Ryan realized she had much bigger problems than the failed romance, as the FBI identified her as a person of interest and shared grabs of a livestream she filmed of herself storming the Capitol

To date the FBI has reportedly made more than 650 arrests in connection with the Capitol riot, which they predict is one-fourth of the total number of potential defendants who committed chargeable crimes that day.    

Ryan has said she fears that her involvement in the riots could ruin her real estate career.

The Texas Real Estate Commission has faced numerous complaints demanding that her license be revoked. Ryan responded by issuing a statement saying she was ‘truly heartbroken’ over the lives lost during the assault.

‘Unfortunately, what I believed to be a peaceful political march turned into a violent protest,’ she wrote on Twitter.

She also tweeted that she lost a publishing deal for a book related to her work.

‘This has taken my company. This has taken my business,’ she tweeted.

Since the rally she said she has received thousands of death threats and people attacking her business. Despite this, she said she would do it all over again.


Capitol Cop Brian Sidnick, 42 – ‘MURDERED’ by the mob

Sidnick was allegedly hit over the head with a fire extinguisher during the chaos. It’s unclear where exactly he was when he was injured; many of his colleagues were outnumbered on the day. 

He retreated to his division office afterwards which is where he collapsed. He was taken to the hospital, put on life support but died on Thursday night. 

Federal prosecutors have now launched a murder investigation into his death. Like the people he was fighting, he supported Trump. 

Roseanne Boyland, 34 – Trampled in the Rotunda 

Roseanne Boyland, 34, from Georgia was ‘trampled in the Rotunda’, her family told on Thursday after police she had been potentially ‘crushed’ in the mob. 

Her family said she had planned to ‘hang back’ but was emboldened by Trump’s speech earlier on Wednesday.  

They say they blame Trump for her death. 

Ashli Babbitt, 35 – Shot dead by cops climbing into the Capitol building

Ashli Babbitt, 35, was a 14-year air force veteran who was fatally shot in the chest by Capitol Police as she breached the building. 

A witness to the shooting suggested the San Diego local was shot by police when she tried to climb through a broken window to get into congressional chambers.

She was pictured lying on the ground afterwards with blood streaming from her nose. She was the only person shot on Wednesday. 

Kevin Greeson, 55 – Had a heart attack ‘in the midst of excitement’   

His family said in a statement: ‘Kevin had a history of high blood pressure, and in the midst of the excitement, suffered a heart attack. Our family is devastated.’

Social media photographs show Greeson posing proudly with two AR-15 rifles. He regularly posted on the website Parler where he encouraged violence against Democrats.  

Among recent comments was: ‘Let’s take this f*****g country BACK! Load your guns and take to the s streets. I’m bringing my guns.’  

Ben Phillips, 50 – Had a stroke after leading caravan of Trump fans from PA to DC 

According to The Inquirer, Phillips described the day as ‘the first day of the rest of our lives’. 

‘They should name this year Zero because something will happen,’ his friends claim he said before the riot got underway. 

Phillips founded the website Trumparoo, where Trump supporters can speak to each other, and organized transport for dozens of people to get to DC from Pennsylvania on Wednesday. 

It’s unclear at what point in the day he suffered his stroke, or if he was married or had children. 

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