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Teacher trainees alarmed over potential food shortage in colleges

Teacher trainees alarmed over potential food shortage in colleges

Trainee teachers across the country may in the coming days have to find alternative ways of feeding themselves as government has failed to pay their feeding grants and allowance for the past seven months.

According to the teacher trainees, government has not paid their allowances for the 2021/2022 academic years, rendering their principals incapacitated.

Principals of Colleges of Education in May 2022 raised similar concerns after the failure of government to pay that of the preceding academic year.

National President of the Teacher Trainees Association, Jonathan Dzunu, told Citi News that the inability of the government to pay their allowances is negatively affecting their academic work.

“Some of the allowances are for the 2021/2022 academic year. We complained and they told us that some funds have been released but the monies are yet to be released, so we are hoping that soon the money will hit the accounts. Soon, if care is not taken, food shortage will hit the colleges of education because the principals are complaining that suppliers are not giving them supplies. Students are also complaining about food quantity and quality. So if things are not done early, there will be a food shortage and that will not be good for us,” he said.

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