Support for the GOP surges from 9-point deficit to to a 5-point lead in past year

A new book suggests Generation Z, which has just begun reaching voting age, overwhelmingly backs Democrats, offering President Biden and his party encouragement even as they face difficult midterm elections.

The latest polling puts Biden’s approval rating at less than 40 percent and Gallup last year charted a major swing from Republican to Democrat across the nation.

But John Della Volpe, polling director at the Harvard Kennedy School Institute of Politics, and CEO of SocialSphere, says the latest generation of voters – shaped by the Great Recession, Greta Thunberg, race protests and the rise of Donald Trump – suggests a brighter future.

‘Generational replacement will not be kind to Trump’s Republican Party,’ he told Axios. 

His book, ‘Fight: How Gen Z Is Channeling Their Fear and Passion to Save America’ was published on Monday, setting out the mindset of some 70 million Americans born from the mid-1990s onwards. 

He listed the events and the themes that shaped them through their teenage years, starting with the Occupy Wall Street movement, through the 2018 shooting in Parkland, Florida, and its March for Our Lives protests, and the moment when 17-year-old Darnella Frazier used her phone to video the murder of George Floyd.    

‘As younger people age, as younger people begin to make voting a more regular habit, there is no question that they will be voting for the values that they’ve been developing over the last couple of years: concern about the way in which capitalism is practiced, concern about our climate, concern about racial justice,’ he told NPR.

‘These are the issues that will be driving young people to the polls. 

‘They’ve made a greater impact on these issues than many people may already appreciate, and that those Democrats, as well as Republicans who don’t take them seriously today, will underestimate them at their peril.’ 

Support for the GOP surges from 9-point deficit to to a 5-point lead in past year

‘Fight: How Gen Z Is Channeling Their Fear and Passion to Save America’ was published by St Martin’s Press on Monday

It comes after American public opinion tilted hard to the Republicans in the course of last year, according to analysis published by Gallup on Sunday, which showed a nine-point lead for Democrats become a five-point advantage for Republicans.

The eye-catching swing came during a year that began with President Donald Trump being disowned by his own side after the Jan. 6 violence and Joe Biden being sworn into office on the crest of a wave.

But it ended after Trump reemerged as the most powerful figure in his party and President Biden was engulfed by multiple crises.

And it illustrates fears among some Democrats that they face a ‘shellacking’ in Novembers midterms. 

‘If that were to hold into the 2022 midterms it would be a seismic victory on election night – this is the biggest advantage for Republicans since the 1994 “Republican Revolution,”‘ said conservative analyst Josh Jordan on Twitter.

The data come from Gallup telephone surveys, which included interviews with more than 12,000 adults. 

In the first quarter, respondents favored Democrats by a margin of 49 percentage points to 40. 

Gallup polls show how backing for Democrats swung into a five-point lead for Republicans during the course of 2021, amid changing fortunes for Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Biden began the year on a high and was sworn in as Democrats looked to reshape the country after the Trump years. But a string of crises – COVID, inflation, the border – have seen his popularity evaporate and Democrats now fear they will lose the House and the Senate

Trump addressed supporters at a rally on Saturday in Florence, Arizona. He has yet to say whether he will run in 2024 but is eyeing the midterms as a chance to shape his party

The results suggest Democrats are heading for trouble in November’s midterm elections, as Republicans eye major gains in the Senate and the House

That narrowed throughout the year, becoming a Republican advantage of 47 to 42 by the fourth quarter. 

‘Both the nine-point Democratic advantage in the first quarter and the five-point Republican edge in the fourth quarter are among the largest Gallup has measured for each party in any quarter since it began regularly measuring party identification and leaning in 1991,’ said Jeff Jones, the polling group’s senior editor. 

The numbers reflect a difficult year for Biden.

After taking office amid relief on the left that Trump had been ousted, he has seen his key Build Back Better spending plans stall by the end of the year.

His administration has suffered setbacks in tackling the coronavirus pandemic, as successive new variants undermined progress.

‘Later, the chaotic U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan caused Biden’s ratings to fall further, into the low 40s,’ wrote Jones. 

‘His ratings remain low as the U.S. battles rising inflation and yet another surge of COVID-19 infections, tied to the omicron variant of the virus.’

In some recent polls, his rating has dropped into the thirties. 

At the same time, Republicans enjoyed good results in November elections.

‘These fourth-quarter shifts coincided with strong GOP performances in 2021 elections, including a Republican victory in the Virginia gubernatorial election and a near-upset of the Democratic incumbent governor in New Jersey. Biden won both states by double digits in the 2020 election,’ said Jones.

But there is some good news for Democrats as they prepare for midterms that could see them lose both the House and the Senate.

Gallup’s most recent polling shows the gap narrowing.

However, recent polls still suggest that Biden is in deep trouble.  

In the latest, nearly two thirds of Americans believe the US is ‘doing badly’ on managing COVID, with Joe Biden‘s pandemic handling at the lowest point of his presidency.

The survey, released on Sunday found 64 per cent are unhappy with the current management of the virus, with only 36 per cent of respondents believing the government’s efforts are ‘going well’.

Voters also showed their dissatisfaction with Biden, with just 49 per cent of voters believing he is doing a good job on COVID.

The figure in the poll carried out by YouGov and CBS News showed how support for the president has dwindled in the past year.

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