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Stop Calling Yourselves Celebrities And Stars – Hammer To Ghanaian Entertainers

Hammer has told Ghanaian entertainers to stop calling themselves celebrities and stars.

In a post sighted by, the Ghanaian music producer stated that celebrity is just a complimentary honour attached to the art and impact they make.

He said celebrity is not a title.

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Hammer added that they should let others call them with such status.

He wrote: “Why did they even go there invoking their celebrity in the first place. The Celebrity thing is just a complimentary honor attached to your art and the impact u make. It’s not a title. We’re artists, that’s our thing… and we need to stop calling ourselves celebrities and stars and legends etc.

“Those are all complimentary add ons bestowed on our impact on society as artists. Stop calling yourselves that. Let others call u. Besides it’s not even absolute, it’s relative. Not everyone in the showcase qualifies to be called that in the first place.”

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