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Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya regarding the legal framework for Libya’s parliamentary and presidential elections

Statement by the United Nations Support Mission in Libya regarding the legal framework for Libya’s parliamentary and presidential elections

UNSMIL emphasizes that only an inclusive legal framework will pave the way for a credible and inclusive electoral process. Respecting the principle of simultaneous presidential and parliamentary elections on 24 December 2021 is needed to preserve the integrity of the electoral process, enhance its credibility, and the right and aspirations of the Libyan people to democratically elect their representatives and leaders as well as the acceptance of the results of the elections.

UNSMIL recalls obligations under relevant international conventions to which the State of Libya is a party, to protecting the rights of citizens to participate in public affairs. In this regard, the Mission calls for the removal of restrictions to participation in the elections to allow Libyans holding public positions to have the opportunity to suspend their duties from the time of submission of their candidacy for presidential elections, as proposed by the HNEC.

The Mission also urges Libyan institutions to ensure the full, equal, and meaningful participation of women and youth in the elections and to put in place all the necessary arrangements to protect voters and women candidates.

ÙNSMIL calls upon the Libyan parties to explore, without delay, ways to increase mutual trust and build consensus for the upcoming elections. In this regard, UNSMIL welcomes the readiness of the Presidency Council to bring together relevant Libyan actors to resolve contested aspects related to the electoral process, build consensus and increase confidence in the process, and stands ready to support this endeavor. “UNSMIL continues to engage all concerned Libyan parties to facilitate efforts to put in place a framework for parliamentary and presidential elections that is in line with the Libyan political roadmap and Security Council resolutions, and has a wide acceptance of Libyan stakeholders, which is critical for successful elections”, said Special Envoy Jan Kubis, echoing calls by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Ms. Rosemary DiCarlo, to promote unity and consensus-building for the electoral process among all political and institutional actors during her recent visit to Libya.

UNSMIL commends efforts by HNEC to advance technical preparations for the elections and urges it to accelerate these efforts once a legal framework that addresses the concerns related to the roadmap and relevant Security Council resolutions is finalized.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

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