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South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary LIVE: Nikki Haley votes in Kiawah Island with her family as she stares down defeat to Trump

South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary LIVE: Nikki Haley votes in Kiawah Island with her family as she stares down defeat to Trump

Voters in South Carolina are heading to the polls for the Republican presidential primary in the battle between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley.

Haley is hoping to avoid a crushing defeat to the frontrunner Trump in her home state as she vows to keep fighting in the White House race.

Trump is 30 points ahead in the polls and is already looking ahead to the November election and a likely rematch against Joe Biden.

He will take the stage at CPAC in Washington D.C. at noon before flying south for what he expects to be a victory party. 

Haley has vowed to stay in the race no matter the result, but an embarrassing defeat on home turf could be the final nail in the coffin for her campaign.

She has ramped up her attacks on the former president, 77, and has compared him to Joe Biden with his gaffes. 

Follow’s live coverage from reporters in The Palmetto State ahead of the results on Saturday night. 

South Carolina 2024 Republican Primary: Everything you need to know as the first polls open and Donald Trump looks to crush Nikki Haley in her home state

South Carolina is the fourth and final early contest state in the 2024 Republican presidential primary and voters in the state will have their chance to weigh-in on their preferred candidate on Saturday.

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley was hoping for a boost in her home state as she remains the last serious contender to try and foil former President Donald Trump‘s chances of a third straight GOP nomination.

But polling leading up to Election Day show Haley trailing the former president by an average of 30 points. breaks down what to watch on primary Election Day in South Carolina.

Majority of voters at the Ben Arnold Community Center in Columbia, SC say they are voting for Nikki Haley over Donald Trump

Contrary to most polling, the majority of voters who spoke with’s Katelyn Caralle and Sarah Ewall-Wice in Columbia, South Carolina, say they are voting for Nikki Haley.

They spoke with many voters at the Ben Arnold Community Center today.

The majority said they cast their ballots for Nikki Haley in the South Carolina presidential primary.

Nikki Haley attempted to clear up her comments following a controversial ruling by the Alabama Supreme Court that ruled embryos are children.

The 2024 hopeful said in an interview this week that frozen embryos are ‘babies’ setting off a wave of controversy.

‘Embryos, to me, are babies,’ Haley told NBC News.

She said Saturday that Democrats ‘hope for another hot button issue’ to pin Republicans on. 

But it is her ‘personal’ view that ’embryos are babies.’

‘Just like I am pro-life. That doesn’t mean everybody else has to think embryos are…What is important, I had to have fertility treatments to have both of my children. We are blessed when we can have options are available options to be available to parents as they are trying to have babies of their own.’

She also said that ‘any decisions made with the embryos needs to be between the parents and the physician,’ calling it a very sensitive subject.

‘We don’t need government getting involved. We want to make sure embryos are respected and protected properly and the conversations between physicians and patients are confidential so that they are the ones that make the decision.’

Nikki Haley calls Trump ‘disgusting’ for claiming black voters have been discriminated like him

Nikki Haley tore into Donald Trump for claiming on Friday night that blasck voters can associate with him because he has posed for a mugshot and been indicted.

‘It’s digusting’, Haley said as she arrived to vote in the wealthy gated community of Kiawah Island.

That’s the chaos that comes with Donald Trump. That’s the offensiveness. It’s going to happen everyday between now and the general election.’

Donald Trump decries America as ‘dangerous’ and ‘sick’ under President Biden on morning of South Carolina 2024 primary

Former President Donald Trump joined Fox News for an interview the morning of the South Carolina primary.

Host Lawrence Jones asked the former president about Biden not facing charges in his illegal documents case as Trump is facing prosecution.

‘Our country has never been this way,’ Trump responded. ‘It’s never been so dangerous or so sick.’

‘It’s the greatest scam in political history. It’s a witch hunt. It’s the greatest witch hunt, certainly, in political history.’

Trump is facing 40 felony charges in his classified documents case, and he could face over 20 years in prison if he is convicted.

Biden, meanwhile, will avoid being charged because he would come across to a jury ‘as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory,’ Special Counsel Robert Hur wrote in his investigation into the president.

Anti-Trump group stages outside polling place in South Carolina in attempt to pull votes from the former president: ‘It’s about lowering margins’

Robert Schwartz and Tiffany James with PrimaryPivot are out at a polling place in Columbia, South Carolina today.

Schwartz said their effort is ‘not about being pro-Nikki Haley, it’s about lowering Trump’s margins.’

‘In the unlikely event she wins, our democracy survives,’ they tell’s Katelyn Caralle.

They held signs saying ‘Choose Democracy over Dictatorship.’

Biden hosts video call with G7 leaders and Zelensky after blaming Republicans for stalled Ukraine package

President Biden isn’t on the ballot today – he already crushed opponents in South Carolina’s Democratic primary February 3.

But he still found a way to make a headline that fits with his experience pitch as someone who knows how to maintain alliances. He took part in a video conference Saturday with fellow G7 leaders and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to discuss ‘our continued support for Ukraine and steps we can take together to continue holding Russia accountable,’ according to the White House.

It comes a day after Biden blasted Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson for sending lawmakers ‘on vacation’ rather than calling up a bill to provide $60 billion to aid Ukraine. European allies are making up for some of the gap left by stalled action in Congress while Ukrainian forces try to avoid further territorial losses.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom calls Nikki Haley one of the Democrats’ ‘better surrogates’ ahead of South Carolina primary and ‘wishes her luck’

Gov. Newsom says Nikki Haley staying in the GOP primary is helpful to Democrats.

‘I think she’s one of our better surrogates, so I hope she stays in [the GOP primary race],’ said Newsom on CNN.

He went on to say that her criticisms of Trump are ‘spot on.’

‘I’m enjoying this primary. And I hope it continues, so I wish her luck.’

Nikki Haley says Donald Trump ‘pushes people out of the Republican Party’ and she will champion policies to ‘lift’ Americans, not tear them down

NIkki Haley went after Donald Trump in a gaggle with reporters outside of a polling station on Saturday.

If we believe that our policies lift up everyone, guess what you’ve got to talk to everyone. So when you go to my rallies and you go to my events you see everybody there, you see young, old, you see every race, every gender, you see Republicans, independents, and conservative Democrats, they all come in,’ she stated.

The 2024 hopeful contrasted her approach with Trump’s approach, saying she welcomes everyone into the GOP.

‘I’m not going to push anybody away. Donald Trump said that anybody that supports me is barred permanently from MAGA. That’s not how you win votes, that’s not how you win Republicans, that’s not how you win a general election and that’s why Donald Trump will continue to lose.’

‘It’s because he pushes people out of our party and I’m trying to make a Republican party where we welcome everybody, because when we start uniting on those grounds, when we start coming together as Americans and stop allowing the exaggeration and peacocking of sound bites and stop the insults and stop the hating of each other, that’s when America will be strong again.’ 

She is positioning herself as a unity candidate, unlike Biden and Trump.

‘Think of it of the two main candidates you’re talking about, Joe Biden refers to anyone who doesn’t support him as fascist. Donald Trump refers to anybody that doesn’t support him as vermin. I call everybody who supports me or doesn’t support me Americans. And that’s where we have to get back to again.’

Biden campaign calls Trump an ‘incompetent, anti-Black tyrant’ after he said his mugshot is why African-American voters like him

The Biden camapign tore into Donald Trump for having the ‘audcacity’ to soeak to black voters on Friday night and pretend he is the ‘poster boy for modern racism’.

Jasmine Harris, the Black media director for the Biden campaign, called the former president ‘an incompetent, anti-Black tyrant’.

‘This is is the same man who falsely accused the Central Park 5, questioned George Floyd’s mhumanity, compared his own impeachment to being lynched, and ensured the unemployment gap for Black wokers spiked during his presidency’.

Kari Lake receives standing ovation while taking the stage at CPAC before Donald Trump speech: ‘I like a strong man’

Former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake came out to a roaring crowd at CPAC as she began a speech praising former president Donald Trump.

‘We want some Alpha man’ Lake said during her remarks, ‘we’re tired of the beta man.’

‘I like a strong man,’ the current GOP Senate hopeful said before adding ‘let me hear from the ladies out there!’

The crowd cheered enthusiastically.

Lake then listed her favorite accomplishments of Trump’s including, but not limited to, a historic economy, secure border and energy independence.

‘USA, USA, USA,’ the conservative audience chimed in.

Nikki Haley votes in Kiawah Island with her children and mother Raj

Nikki Haley was all smiles with her family as she cast her vote in the South Carolina Republican primary, where she is hoping to avoid a huge defeat at the hands of Donald Trump.

Haley pushed her mother Raj into the polling site in Kiawah Island, a wealthy gated community outside of Charleston.

Nikki Haley pledges seven-figure ad buy through Super Tuesday in latest signal she WON’T drop out

Haley’s campaign manager Betsy Ankney told reporters Friday night that the candidate isn’t done fighting even if she loses to Trump in her home state of South Carolina this evening.

‘We know that the math is challenging, but this has never just been about who can win a Republican primary,’ she said according to NPR.

‘This battle is about who can win in November, defeat the Democrats and finally get our country back on track,’ she continued.

Former President Donald Trump floated Friday night that black voters like him more now that he’s posed for a mugshot and been criminally indicted 91 times.

Trump was headlining the Black Conservative Federation’s Honors Gala in Columbia, South Carolina, on the eve of the state’s Republican primary.

The ex-president and 2024 hopeful has been averaging about a 30-point lead over former U.N. Amb. Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor, and received the endorsement of the state’s black Sen. Tim Scott last month. ‘When I did the mug shot in Atlanta, that mug shot is No. 1. You know who embraced it more than anyone else?’ Trump asked the crowd. ‘The black population.’

He complained that he got indicted for ‘nothing’ – claiming that’s something black voters understand because they see ‘what’s happening to me happens to them.’

CPAC fills up HOURS before Donald Trump expected to address crowd in National Harbor, Maryland, as Nikki Haley stays in South Carolina while primary votes are counted

The main stage at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is full hours before President Donald Trump is expected to address the crowd while facing off with Nikki Haley in the South Carolina primary.

Thousands of conservatives are humming about the Gaylord National Resort in National Harbor, Maryland, waiting for addresses from former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and former President Donald Trump.

Nikki Haley caps off the ‘Beast of the Southeast bus tour’

Donald Trump wakes up on primary morning to say the Georgia election case should be OVER following release of Fani Willis cellphone data

Donald Trump took to Truth Social on Saturday morning to vent his fury at Fani Willis and demand the Georgia election case should be ‘over’.

Cellphone data revealed Wade visited the exact area where the Fulton County district attorney was renting a condo at least 35 times before their admitted affair – at least one of them before she appointed him to prosecute former president Donald Trump in her election fraud case in Georgia.

Willis admitted in a special hearing last week that her ex-lover visited her at the apartment in Atlanta’s Hapeville neighborhood, but appeared to shrug off the question and did not specify when or how many times.

‘Based on the fact that District Attorney Fani Willis and her Lover were together long prior to the filing date of their Fake Lawsuit against me and many other innocent people, despite their sworn testimony to the contrary, this case must be determined as OVER and, of no further force or effect,’ Trump wrote.

‘Among other things, in close coordination and conjunction with the DOJ and White House (numerous 8-hour meetings between the Biden people and them in D.C.!), this case was all about stealing close to $1 Million Dollars for Lover Wade, and Election Interference, whereby a vicious and heinous attack is made on Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent. This has never happened in the U.S.A., it is the “stuff” of Third World Countries and Banana Republics!’

More than 200,000 early voters have already cast their ballots in South Carolina

Voters are trickling to polling places this morning in South Carolina to make their choice between Nikki Haley or Donald Trump.

More than 200,000 have already cast their ballots in the open primary, meaning voters don’t have to be registered to a party to take part. reporters are on the ground in The Palmetto State as the wait begins for the results.

To pull off an unlikely upset, Haley will need independents and Democrats to show up in droves.

The latest in the polls: Nikki Haley heads into South Carolina primary 30 POINTS behind Donald Trump

A South Carolina poll released earlier this week spelled deep trouble for Nikki Haley.

In nearly two to one odds, Trump, 77, is ahead of former United Nations Amb. Haley, 52, in her home state, which holds the fourth and final early contest of the Republican primary after Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada.

The results came after Haley’s state of the race speech on Tuesday where she insisted she is ‘far from’ dropping out and will remain in the race until Super Tuesday on March 5 despite calls for her to end her bid for the White House.

‘I don’t think she knows how to get out, actually,’ he added.

Nikki Haley: The polls are open in South Carolina, ‘let’s do this’

Even though the odds are stacked against her, Nikki Haley is still exuding confidence in the primary in her home state.

She posted campaign video and told her supporters to get out and vote on Saturday morning, despite staring down the barrel of defat.

The former South Carolina governor has vowed to stay in the race until Super Tuesday and keep chipping away at frontrunner Trump.

Donald Trump Jr. says ‘Mitch the Glitch’ McConnell is ‘like Windows 92’ after his bizarre freezes and reveals who he thinks should be the new Senate Republican leader

Trump Jr. was campaigning for his father Friday in South Carolina, a day before the state’s Republican primary, where the ex-president is nearly 30 points ahead of his final GOP rival, former U.N. ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

At the Trump campaign’s South Carolina headquarters located in North Charleston, the former first son smacked around Republicans willing to fund Ukraine’s war effort against Russia.

‘I called out Mitch the Glitch,’ Trump Jr. said. ‘Can we find someone who doesn’t freeze up? It’s like Windows 92. Buffering, buffering, buffering.’

He later told in a gaggle that he had someone in mind for McConnell’s replacement.

Nikki Haley has used her final campaign appearances to attack Trump on his age and say it will be ‘more of the same’ if he wins in 2024

Nikki Haley has ramped up her perosnal attacks on Donald Trump in her final pleas to voters in her home state of South Carolina.

In Monkc Corner on Friday, she said: ‘In a general election, you’re given a choice. In a primary election you make your choice. This is the time for us to make our choice.’

A man in the crowd shouted to her ‘where is his wife?’ referring to Melania Trump.

The crowd laughed, but she didn’t respond.

Former President Donald Trump railed against Nikki Haley and Joe Biden in his final rally before the South Carolina primary.

During the hour-and-a-half remarks, Trump promoted MAGA-nomics to fix the flailing economy and slammed the multiple indictments against him while also going after Haley, who remains in the primary against him.

Speaking to thousands of fired-up South Carolinian supporters at Winthrop Coliseum in Rock Hill, Trump predicted the largest stock market crash in U.S. history if he loses to President Biden in November.

‘We’re not very worried about tomorrow,’ Trump said of the South Carolina primary election on Saturday. ‘We want to aim for November 5.’

Haley was hoping to garner support in her home state after losing Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, but all polls show Trump is still around 30 percentage points against the former governor of South Carolina.

Donald Trump spent just $1 MILLION compared to Nikki Haley’s nearly $15 MILLION in ads in South Carolina – but is still 30 points ahead in the polls in her home state

If political advertising won elections, Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley would be completely crushing it in South Carolina against Donald Trump. But it doesn’t.

Haley and supporting groups have outspent the former GOP president nearly 15-to-1 ahead of the first in the south primary contest on Saturday. They have put about $15 million into ad buys while Trump’s campaign and supporting groups have spent a fraction of that at just over $1 million.

But in the days before the primary, the former president was leading Haley in polling by double-digits.

The USA Today/Suffolk poll of likely Republican primary voters had Trump at 63 percent while Haley was at 35 percent in her home state.

On Friday, Haley argued the goal in the contest is for it to be ‘competitive.’ She has been crisscrossing the state campaigning much more intensely than Trump while making her closing argument: the United States cannot have more of the same with President Biden and Trump. She has also sharpened her attacks on the former Republican president, and the closing ads promoting Haley reflect that.

In a 30-second Haley campaign spot playing across South Carolina television markets, images of Trump and Biden are shown as a narrator says ‘when your country is divided, your president must unite us.’ It cuts to images of Haley. The narrator continues ‘she ran to revive our state, she got it done.’  It ends with Haley saying she’s running for a ‘strong’ and ‘proud’ America.

The pro-Haley Super PAC SFA Fund Inc has also been running ads in the state using clips from Haley’s recent ‘state of the race’ speech in which she went after Trump calling him ‘unhinged.’

Watching just an hour of primetime television in South Carolina, viewers were likely to be subjected to a barrage of Haley ads that often repeated.

Nikki Haley’s neighbors reveal why the candidate they knew as a child should beat Trump

In Nikki Haley‘s birthplace of Bamberg, those who know her are with her ‘all the way’ in Saturday’s South Carolina Republican primary, but former President Donald Trump will still likely capture a majority in her home county. ventured to the rural town Thursday, for the last day of early voting ahead of Saturday’s pivotal race, where Trump is expected to trounce the former South Carolina governor in her home state.

A slow stream of voters showed up through the afternoon to an annex of the Bamberg County Courthouse – with a majority saying they were backing Trump – but not those who knew Haley personally.

‘I love Nikki like she’s a daughter,’ said 79-year-old Joyce McMillan. ‘She is the most honest, intelligent, fast-learning person I think I have ever met,’ she said of the Republican presidential hopeful.’

McMillan was an accountant for Haley’s parents when they ran a store in downtown Bamberg and taught the former U.N. ambassador the craft as a young girl.

‘I ended up teaching her all the spreadsheets and the financial stuff of the shop when she was only 13 years old,’ McMillan told ‘When I left the business she took over, just at 13, and she’s just super smart.’

McMillan said her daughter and Haley are close friends – and roomed together at Clemson.

‘And she spent as much time at my house as she did at Nikki’s house,’ McMillan recalled.

How no Republican candidate in 50 YEARS has lost their home state on gone on to win the nomination

Nikki Haley has vowed to stay in the race no matter what the results of the South Carolina Republican presidential primary on Saturday.

But history is not on her side. In most cases, losing a home state primary has been considered a campaign death blow.

It has been more than 50 years since a Republican presidential candidate has not carried their home state and still gone on to clinch the GOP presidential nomination.

The year was 1968, and Richard Nixon did not win California, the state he once represented in Congress, but he still won the nomination.

The winner of California that Republican presidential primary season was the state’s governor, Ronald Reagan. Nixon did go on to win California in November.

Donald Trump will warn that four more years of Joe Biden will allow Hamas and Antifa to ‘TERRORIZE our streets’ in major speech ahead of Saturday’s South Carolina primary

Donald Trump will use a major speech to conservatives Saturday to underline the choice facing them in November’s election, warning that four more years of President Joe Biden will unleash extremist forces on the country.

Polls suggest he is on course for a landslide primary win over Nikki Haley, his last remaining rival for the Republican nomination, on her home turf of South Carolina later in the day.

And aides say he will all but ignore her challenge for the rest of the race, instead turning his fire on Biden.

That starts at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held just outside Washington D.C., where he will offer a nightmare vision of dangerous streets and campuses patrolled by protesters under another Biden term.

‘Just imagine it…With four more years of Biden…Hamas and Antifa will terrorize our streets, while their brutal ideology takes over our schools,’ he will say, according to exclusive extracts shared with

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