Sooshi Mango hilariously interview Scott Morrison on Gladys Berejiklian, Covid vaccines

From Gladys’ corruption appearance to Joe Biden forgetting his name: Three ‘ethnic dads’ from Melbourne grill Scott Morrison about Australia’s recent scandals with hilarious results

  • Scott Morrison survived hilarious grilling during interview by Sooshi Mango
  • Prime minister was interviewed for podcast by the Australia comedy troupe
  • He was probed about vaccination rollout and ex-NSW premier Gladys Berejiklian 

Scott Morrison has defended ex-NSW premier ‘gladwrap BBQ chicken’ in a hysterical interview with a comedy troupe.

The prime minister survived a hilarious grilling by Sooshi Mango for their podcast episode, ‘The Ethnic Dads Interview with the Prime Minister.’

The comedic trio comprise of Melbourne comedians Joe and Carlo Salanitri and Andrew Manfre who regularly parody Greek and Italian culture in their various skits.

The trio had dressed up as ‘ethnic dads’ during the interview and deliberately mispronounced the prime minister’s name as ‘Scotch Lamington’ and Gladys Berejiklian’s as ‘glad-wrap BBQ chicken’. 

Mr Morrison was probed about his vaccination rollout, the moment US president Joe Biden forgot his name and his thoughts on Ms Berejiklian during the ICAC investigation.

Sooshi Mango hilariously interview Scott Morrison on Gladys Berejiklian, Covid vaccines

The prime minister survived a hilarious grilling by Sooshi Mango for their podcast episode, ‘The Ethnic Dads Interview with the Prime Minister’

The trio had dressed up as ‘ethnic dads’ during the interview and deliberately mispronounced the prime minister’s name as ‘Scotch Lamington’ and Gladys Berejiklian’s as ‘glad-wrap BBQ chicken’

‘What do you think about this situation with the old boss from NSW?’ Carlo said in a heavy ethnic accent.

‘The lady, one that they call glad-wrap BBQ chicken? She was, they say, a-do some shifty business.’ 

A visibly amused Mr Morrison was quick to defend Ms Berejiklian while holding in his laughter over her new nickname. 

‘Nothing shifty about my good friend Gladys,’ Mr Morrison said.

‘She’s been fantastic up here in NSW, she’s done a great job getting us all out there and opening up. We hope she has a great future, I think there’s plenty more for Gladys to do.’

The comedic troupe turned the interview to the Covid-19 pandemic before poking fun at Mr Morrison and his handling of the vaccination rollout.

‘Mr Lamington it look like Melbourne is in need of some more resources,’ Joe said. 

‘So are you going to send some to Sydney?’

Mr Morrison shakes his head in good humour as the trio bursts into laughter.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has repeatedly accused the federal government of showing favouritism and sending more vaccine doses to NSW than his own. 

Victoria is slightly behind their neighbour state in the vaccine rollout with 91.3 per cent of residents double-jabbed compared to 93.4 per cent in NSW. 

The comedic trio comprise of Australian comedians Joe and Carlo Salanitri and Andrew Manfre who regularly parody Greek and Italian culture in their various skits

Australian comedy troupe Sooshi Mango pose with Kyle and Jackie O in the KIIS FM studio

Mr Morrison made sure to encourage residents to get the vaccination during the interview.

‘Have you had your vaccinations?’ he asked the trio.

‘I was have a vaccination,’ Carlo said. ‘1965. For Polio. My uncle, he was inject my a***.’

‘Was he a doctor,’ Mr Morrison said.

‘No,’ Carlo replied. ‘He was a butcher.’

The cast of Sooshi Mango then turned their attention to US president Joe Biden and the moment he referred to the prime minister as ‘that fella down under’.

Mr Biden had appeared to forget the prime minister’s name during his public address when he was announcing a trilateral security partnership with Britain and Australia, called Aukus, in September.

‘He’s a old, his a brains a little bit f***ed up,’ Andrew said jokingly of Mr Biden. ‘You think he forget your name just because, maybe, you’re a little bit s***?’

‘No no no,’ Mr Morrison said. ‘We all sometimes forget names.’ 

Sooshi Mango will be going around Australia for their big tour ‘Off The Boat’ from December.  

Mr Morrison was probed about his vaccination rollout, the moment US president Joe Biden forgot his name and his thoughts on Ms Berejiklian during the ICAC investigation (pictured, Ms Berejiklian on Wednesday morning) 


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