Shocking moment cyclist nearly hits truck as the juggernaut turns into a bike lane – but people are divided on who is really in the wrong

  •  Many social media users – including other cyclists – defended the truck driver

This is the moment a cyclist nearly collides with a truck as it turns into a bike lane – but some people have leapt to the driver’s defence, accusing the cyclist of trying to ‘race’ the vehicle.

The video of the incident shows the lorry beginning to indicate as it slowly turns into the cycle path, when the cyclist is around 35 metres away.

But the man on the bike appears to speed up in an attempt to beat the truck to the crossing, only slowing down at the last minute on the London cycle path.

As the lorry crosses in front of him, the cyclists shouts: ‘Bloody hell. You’re supposed to give way mate, it’s a new rule. Learn the Highway Code, you’re a professional driver.’

Posting the footage on X, the cyclist asked people for their opinion on who was in the wrong.

But many social media users – including other cyclists – defended the truck driver and admonished the man for creating an issue.

Shocking moment cyclist nearly hits truck as the juggernaut turns into a bike lane – but people are divided on who is really in the wrong

The lorry driver is indicating at the beginning of the video posted to X by the cyclist

The man appears to speed up to try and beat the driver, but breaks at the last minute

When the driver proceeds to cross, the two road users have an angry altercation

The cyclist shouted at the lorry driver to ‘learn the Highway Code’ rules on right of way

The cyclist who posted the video wrote:  ‘So who should be giving way to who here? 

‘This truck driver said he saw me as he was already halfway turning across Cycleway 4.

‘It’s my understanding from the Highway Code rule H3 that just because you’re in a truck it doesn’t exempt you from stopping and waiting.’ 

But the post triggered a debate on who was in the wrong, as although the cyclist had the right of way, some argued he had acted recklessly in trying to ‘race to beat the lorry’ instead of slowing down to let it turn.

Cycleway 4 is a cycle path in London, originally planned to run from Tower Bridge to Woolwich, which has been under lengthy development for the last few years.

Commenting on the post, one social media user said: ‘You are trying to race to beat the lorry. This is how inexperienced cyclists, who can’t read the road ahead and are in a hurry, get into collisions.’

Another agreed, adding: ‘I’d say on this particular occasion you should have slowed and made it a non-issue. 

One cyclist also commented defending the lorry driver, saying: ‘The driver started the manoeuvre well ahead of you approaching the junction. If the driver turned when you were closer then of course they should give way.’

Another user added: ‘I think this was on you. He was clearly indicating and it takes quite a while to move one of those things. You saw it from quite a distance and didn’t slow down any.’

Highway Code Rule H3 tells drivers they shouldn’t cut across cyclists who are going straight ahead when turning into or out of a junction.

It reads: ‘This applies whether they are using a cycle lane, a cycle track, or riding ahead on the road and you should give way to them.

‘Do not turn at a junction if to do so would cause the cyclist, horse rider or horse drawn vehicle going straight ahead to stop or swerve.

‘You should stop and wait for a safe gap in the flow of cyclists if necessary.’ 

However, the Highway Code also warns cyclists to ensure they can proceed safely when crossing a junction.

It says they should ‘take great care’ when deciding whether to pass slow-moving vehicles like lorries – as the drivers might not be able to see them.

The code tells them to ‘bear in mind your speed and position in the road’ in situations like this.

Rule 221 of the code also states that large vehicles may need extra road space and other road users should be prepared to ‘stop and wait’ if it needs room or time to turn. 

The Highway Code says that all road users should be ‘considerate to other road users and understand their responsibilities for the safety of others’. 

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