“She said she saw a revelation about my man that he is HIV positive, but her daughter got married to him six months after” – Lady shares why she will never forgive her pastor’s wife (VIDEO)

A Nigerian lady has anonymously shared how her pastor’s wife asked her to end her relationship with her fiance, only for her daughter to marry him six months later.

Her pastor’s wife had invited her over to inform her about seeing a vision from God regarding her fiances HIV status.

Sharing the experience on TikTok she said,

“I am in my late 40s, I’ve never been married, I’ve always believed in achieving greater heights in my career before settling down. My mom wouldn’t let me be, whenever I visit my family house I’m always a topic of discussion and a bigger prayer point during devotions the pressure became so much on me I started losing up so I can find a man to settle with men were not forthcoming. I got frustrated and joined one ministry to see if God will answer prayers fortunately I met a widower who showed me serious love, he cared so much about me, we connected so easily and I was happy God has answered me finally. He asked me to be his wife and I said yes. I took him to my mom, she was so happy, she gave us her blessings almost immediately. I decided to take him to my ministry to show my pastor and his wife, my pastor prayed and blessed us and we went to see his people. Two days after my pastor’s wife called me and asked if we have done all the necessary test, I said yes she went further to say she saw a revelation about my man that he is HIV positive. I told her it can’t be that he’s negative she kept saying God doesn’t lie and advice I stopped the married plans until we seek the face of God to cut the long story short my man got married to my pastor’s daughter six months after, They have three kids now and I’m still single. I can’t see myself forgiving my pastor’s wife but my mum said I should let go so my right man will come.”

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