Rolf Harris’ dementia-struck widow Alwen Hughes dies aged 93 after standing by her disgraced paedophile husband until his death to neck cancer

Rolf Harris‘ widow Alwen Hughes has died at the age of 93 after standing by her paedophile husband until his death last year. 

The disgraced children’s entertainer succumbed to neck cancer on May 10 last year, and is said to have told his daughter to ‘look after your mum’ as he spoke with a feeding tube while on his deathbed. 

Alwen, who had dementia, stood by Harris after he was sentenced to five years and nine months in jail for 12 indecent assaults on four underage girls between 1968 and 1986.

She is believed to have spent her final days in the £7million mansion where they once lived together in Bray, Berkshire, with her death certificate – obtained by The Mirror – stating she died from a stroke. 

Today neighbours told MailOnline Alwen had spent her final years ‘bed bound with no quality of life’ and said they had seen relatives coming to the house to pick up personal belongings.   

Meanwhile, a local estate agent predicted the property would be ‘sold very soon’ and despite it’s previously high price tag would be ‘lucky’ to fetch £2million because it was in a poor condition and had a ‘dark cloud’ hanging over it. 

Rolf Harris’ dementia-struck widow Alwen Hughes dies aged 93 after standing by her disgraced paedophile husband until his death to neck cancer

Rolf Harris with wife Alwen in their garden in Berkshire, where she was receiving 24 hour nursing care 

A 1967 picture of Harris, Alwen and their daughter Bindi

It is believed Harris told his daughter to ‘look after your mum’ as he spoke with a feeding tube in the days before he died 

Harris is believed to have begged his daughter Bindi to look after Alwen after he died on May 10 last year.  

‘I always believed we would go on longer together but, if I go first, promise you’ll take good care of your mum,’ he said. 

Before his death, Harris had celebrated his 65th wedding anniversary with Alwen, who always stood defiantly by his side alongside their only daughter.

Harris was convicted of a string of indecent assaults, including one of an eight-year-old seeking an autograph, two girls in their early teens and a range of abuse of his daughter’s friend over 16 years, starting when she was just 13.

He was jailed for five years for 12 indecent assaults on four underage girls between 1968 and 1986 but Alwen never publicly wavered from supporting her husband.

In 2017, while still in jail, the disgraced entertainer was put on trial for a second time, accused of four indecent assaults on three teenage girls.

He denied the charges and was found not guilty after the jury failed to agree on a verdict.

Following the not guilty verdict, his solicitor read a statement on Harris’ behalf which his client he wanted to spend his remaining time with his wife.

He was released in May 2017 after spending three years at HM Prison Stafford.

Rolf and Alwen Harris pictured on their wedding day 

Alwen was previously understood to still be living in their £7million mansion in Bray, Berkshire

Alwen and Harris couple met in the early 1950s at an art school in Kennington, in south London, before marrying at St Saviour’s Church in Paddington in 1958.

Final photos of the couple show the pair smiling with Alwen wearing a pink coat and slippers while Harris puts his arm around her and holds the paw of their family dog.

Best known for hits Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport and Jake The Peg, as well as a string of children’s TV hits, Harris painted the 80th birthday portrait of the late Queen Elizabeth II.

Harris (second left) and his wife Alwen (second right) were recluses and rarely left their home in Bray

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