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Respect us and don’t monetize election 2024 – GPCC to politicians

Respect us and don’t monetize election 2024 – GPCC to politicians

General News of Thursday, 14 March 2024



Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council logo

The Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Council is fighting against the monetization of elections as the country prepares for the 2024 elections.

According to the council, there will be a need for politicians to respect the country. They add that politicians should not deceive people with money to earn their votes.

The council believes that the people should be allowed to make a choice that will be good for the country based on the issues, manifestos and policies.

“We are also aware of the monetization of elections in our country. They should please respect Ghana and make sure they don’t deceive people by giving them money just to vote for them. Let the people vote because of the issues, the policies and their manifestos instead of coercing them with money and all of that,” President of GPCC, Apostle Eric Nyamekye said.

He used the opportunity to call on the political parties to ensure that elections in 2024 are peaceful.

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