Radio host Larry Elder under fire for using N-word in an impression of an O.J. Simpson lawyer

Conservative radio host Larry Elder under fire for using the N-word decades ago in an impression of an O.J. Simpson defense attorney during a comedy standup routine

  • Larry Elder is under fire for using the N-word decades ago in a comedy sketch about O.J. Simpson’s defense attorney  
  • The clip first reappeared on morning talk show host Dominique DiPrima’s radio talk show on July 29 
  • Fellow gubernatorial candidates Caitlyn Jenner and Kevin Faulconer are calling for Elder to drop out of the race following the clip 

Radio talk show host and frontrunner in a possible recall election for California governor Larry Elder is getting heat for a decades-old clip in which he uses the N-word in a comedy club routine. 

Elder used the n-word during a supposed impression of O.J. Simpson’s lawyer F. Lee Bailey, in a sketch in the mid-1990s at Igby’s in Los Angeles

He later aired the clip of the standup routine during his KABC talk show, referencing Bailey’ cross examination of a Los Angeles Police detective during the Simpson trial. In his questioning, Bailey had asked if the detective ever used the n-word.

Radio talk show and gubernatorial candidate for California Larry Elder is under fire for using the N-word in a resurfaced decades-old clip

Radio talk show and gubernatorial candidate for California Larry Elder is under fire for using the N-word in a resurfaced decades-old clip 

The clip from Elder’s show is now back in circulation. It first reappeared on morning talk show host Dominique DiPrima’s radio talk show on July 29 and later was aired by talk show host Tavis Smiley, both on KBLA. 

Listeners called to criticize the clip after it aired on DiPrima’s show. 

Also problematic was that in the sketch, Elder pronounces the n-word with a hard ‘er’ at the end, instead of the version with an ‘a’ at the end, sometimes deemed more acceptable, according to the Los Angeles Times

DiPrima called the stint a ‘Black man doing blackface’  and said it’s a ‘willingness to throw us under the bus.’ 

Elder, who is black, continues to face increasing backlash from his fellow Republican candidates. 

It re-aired on Dominique DiPrima’s morning talk show where the host declared Elder a ‘Black man doing blackface’ and viewers thought it was ‘shameful and distasteful’ 

Caitlyn Jenner and Kevin Faulconer called for Elder to drop out of the race Thursday. 

Jenner called out Elder on Twitter for his lack of respect for women, writing: ”women know less than men about political issues, economics and current event.’ @larryelder DROP OUT NOW. You are not what CA wants let alone what we need. I am a proud father of very powerful, intelligent, successful women. You’re as bad as @GavinNewsom towards women.’

The transgender celebrity – who allows her children to continue to call her ‘dad’ – also called Elder ‘too far right’ for California. 

Fellow Republican candidates are calling for Elder to drop out following the clip. Elder has also been called out recently for his view on women after saying it was appropriate to ask women when they planned to have children and alleged brandished a gun at an ex-fiancé during a heated argument 

Earlier in the week, the Associated Press asked him if there were ‘legitimate business reasons’ to ask a woman entrepreneur when she intends to have children. Elder replied: ‘Hell, yes.’ 

Candidate Faulconer tweeted: ‘Every undecided voter – pay attention. 

‘These are not California values. These are not Republican, Democrat, or independent values. Larry Elder is doubling down on his attacks on working women and California families.’ 

Jenner also chimed in, tweeting: ‘This is outrageous and speaks volumes about the  type of person he is. We need to protect the privacy of all women, not abuse them. But it seems like Larry knows a lot about that.’ 

Elder’s ex-fiancé recently accused him of brandishing a gun at her during an argument while he was high. He denied the rumors and called the allegations ‘salacious.’ 

Alexandra Datig, 51, said she worked on Elder’s show and lived with him during their 18-month relationship from 2013 to 2015. 

Datig provided a letter and other evidence to the Associated Press, which included a 2015 email about the collapse of their relationship and painted an abusive picture of Elder, who apparently used medical marijuana excessively. 

He allegedly went over to the cabinet that he secured his gun in during the argument and made sure she saw him do it in plain view. 

‘He did not point it at me, but he wanted to make sure that I knew that he was checking to see it was loaded, she told the AP. 

As the election comes closer, more candidates are encouraging Elder to drop out of the race.  

The recall election is set for September 14 with many candidates hoping to replace Governor Gavin Newsom.


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