Qantas and Jetstar domestic flights to take off again within weeks

Qantas and Jetstar domestic flights to take off again within WEEKS with the Sydney-Melbourne route restored – but don’t expect to fly to Perth until February 2022

  • Qantas & Jetstar to resume domestic flights in Covid-ravaged NSW and Victoria
  • Melbourne-Sydney routes to take off from November 5 instead of December 1
  • Routes between Sydney and regional NSW ‘significantly increase’ late October
  • Victorians and NSW travellers to remain banned from WA until February 2022 

Qantas and Jetstar will resume domestic flight routes within weeks after several states revealed their Covid-19 roadmaps to freedom.

The airlines have confirmed Melbourne-Sydney routes will take off from November 5, one month earlier than the previous date of December 1.

Qantas and Jetstar will ‘significantly increase’ regional NSW routes from late October in line with the state’s roadmap after Premier Gladys Berejiklian released more details on Monday.

But flights between Western Australia and NSW and Victoria have been delayed by two months until February next year, based on border assumptions.

Qantas and Jetstar domestic flights to take off again within weeks

Qantas and Jetstar will increase services on its Sydney-Melbourne route in early November (pictured, a traveller at Melbourne Airport)

‘It’s great to see plans firming up for some domestic borders opening given the success of the national vaccine rollout,’ Qantas boss Alan Joyce said.

‘We’re now planning to ramp up flying between Melbourne and Sydney, which is usually the second busiest air route in the world, almost a month earlier than expected. 

‘There are also a lot of regional destinations that will open up for the first time since June, which is great news for tourism as well as family and friends who can’t wait to see each other again.’

‘Get ready to see some emotional reunions at airports from late-October onwards.’

Travel between Greater Sydney and regional NSW will be permitted as soon as NSW hits 80 per cent double dose target, expected in late October.

Qantas will continue to operate five return flights a week between Perth and both Sydney and Melbourne for passengers authorised to travel interstate.

Airports will be filled with heartwarming reunions from late October (pictured a couple’s happy reunion after NSW reopened its borders to Victoria in November2020)

There’s no change to Qantas or Jetstar flights between WA, Tasmania, Northern Territory and South Australia.

Flights between WA and Queensland  will ramp up when border restrictions are lifted in the coming weeks.

‘We’re in regular discussions with all the states and territories, and will continue to make adjustments, including increasing flying as soon as border settings allow,’ Mr Joyce added.

International flights remain still on track to gradually restart from December 18 onwards.

Perth is expected to remain off limits of NSW and Victorian travellers until February 2022

Qantas has been inundated with bookings for December and January for flights to London, Los Angeles and Singapore.

‘The key factor in determining the ongoing demand level for international flying will be what the quarantine arrangements are for Australians when they return,’ Mr Joyce said.

‘The seven day home quarantine trial in NSW is a great step forward and we’re hoping the system evolves quickly for vaccinated travellers from low-risk countries to not have to quarantine on arrival, particularly given Australia itself is on track to have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world.’

The airline confirmed ‘temporarily reroute its flagship Perth-London service until at least April 2022 due to the latest WA border settings and assumptions’.

Qantas flights around regional NSW will ramp up significantly in the coming months 


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