Psaki says Biden rescued Christmas holidays by ending the supply chain crisis

White House Press Secretary said at Wednesday’s press briefing that the administration had ‘saved Christmas’ – in a nod to an easing in supply chain issues and a possible dig at the media, which has chronicled the crisis.

She said Americans can go to stocked shelves to purchase last-minute Christmas gifts – although given the surge in coronavirus infections, many Americans find themselves lined up for antigen tests rather than big box purchases.

‘Good news, we’ve saved Christmas,’ quipped Psaki at the top of her daily briefing with the press – in a room that featured a smattering of empty seats amid the outbreak of the Omicron variant. 

Psaki may have been needling members of the press over breathless coverage of empty shelves this fall, as long lines of cargo ships were backed up in ports including Long Beach, Ca. with days-long delays getting containers unloaded and not enough drivers to move it. 

Psaki says Biden rescued Christmas holidays by ending the supply chain crisis

‘Good news, we’ve saved Christmas,’ said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki Wednesday, as she announced shelves were stocked in retail stores. But the holiday season is also being plagued by an increase in coronavirus cases, with long lines for testing

Earlier Wednesday, she scolded Scrooges and doubters as she announced retail shelves were 90 per cent stocked. 

‘Take that Scrooge, the Grinch and all of the doubters that this could happen,’ she jabbed. 

After her quip about saving Christmas, Psaki touted administration efforts to ease the backlog.  

‘And that is because President Biden recognized this challenge early acted as an honest broker to bring key stakeholders together and focused on addressing practical problems across the global supply chain,’ she said.

She pointed to key ‘points of progress,’ including the number of containers sitting on the docks at the ports of LA and Long Beach for over eight days falling by nearly half. 

‘The average amount of time containers sit on docks has fallen by a week. The price of shipping a container between Asia and the West Coast has fallen by more than 25 per cent since its peak in September, and as the president also referenced the stocks on shelves is it about 90 per cent – retail stocks on shelves at about 90% inventory,’ on par with where it was pre-pandemic. 

Six year-old Brielle Peare uses a microphone to talk to Santa Claus, who sits sealed inside a store display window behind glass as virus prevention measure at the Primark store in Boston, Massachusetts on Saturday

‘So people can go purchase presents even at this point if they haven’t done their shopping,’ she said.

Even with shelves stocked, Americans are bracing for yet another uneasy holiday season. The Omicron variant has rapidly spread to count for the vast majority of new cases.

People are lined up for coronavirus testing in New York and numerous other locations amid a testing shortage.

Despite the administration not calling for shutdowns, school districts like those in Prince Georges County, Md. are sending students home early for the holidays, sometimes for nearly a month. 

Hospitals in hot spots have been clearing away elective surgeries amid the ongoing Delta surge in infections and hospitalizations.

President Biden on Tuesday announced a new plan to provide 500 million rapid tests to Americans.

But Psaki was unable to announce a contract had been inked, or basic rules for how many tests each household can get. The web site won’t go up until the first tests are shipped to the government in January, she said.    

 One top expert Dr. Scott Gotlieb warned that the effort came too late. 

‘Look, we should have been doing this all along,’ the ex-FDA commissioner said on CNBC.

‘We should’ve been trying to get more at-home tests available and giving them away to consumers and in drug stores, you know, allowing consumers to come into a drug store, buy maybe four tests for $5, some small price and limiting the number of sales they can get, but making sure they got into the hands of consumers. That’s what other countries are doing,’ he said. 

Omicron now accounts for 73 percent of new cases in the US and pushes Europe to the brink of fresh lockdowns. New York, Georgia and Texas are all seeing major surges in new COVID cases, which are up more than 100 percent in the past two weeks in those states. Florida now leads the nation with cases up 371 percent in the past two weeks.

The nation is currently averaging 148,384 new cases daily over the past week, a 23 percent increase from two weeks ago. Confirmed Omicron cases increased by 19 percent day-over-day, up to 1,781 as of Wednesday morning from 1,485 on Tuesday, but that number represents only the tiny fraction of infections that are DNA sequenced.  

Biden earlier Wednesday said warnings that supply chain disruptions could foil the plans of Christmas shoppers didn’t occur.

He touted increased store inventories and reductions in backlogs at critical ports, in a message timed for the holidays. 

‘Earlier this fall, we heard a lot of dire warnings about supply chain problems leading to a crisis around the holidays,’ Biden said during a virtual meeting of his supply chain task force at the White House

‘The much predicted crisis didn’t occur. Packages are movie gifts are being delivered. Shelves are not empty,’ Biden said.

‘The much predicted crisis didn’t occur,’ President Joe Biden said Wednesday as he met with his supply chain task force and announced store shelves were 90 percent stocked

The president himself had called attention to problems in supply chains, and said he couldn’t promise every gift would be delivered on time. He touted administration actions to expand hours at ports and encourage hiring for more truck drivers.

Tomorrow, the administration plans to hand out more funding awards to expand ports. 

But he said a turnaround had occurred.

‘Today, retail inventories are up 3 per cent from last year. inventories are healthy and on shelf availability before the pandemic was about 91 per cent. Today it’s at 90 per cent –  90 per cent,’ he said. ‘I’m sure you can go and find some shelf where it’s empty because a particular sort of gifts are very popular, I don’t know. But 90 per cent availability.’

He also touted delivery times he said are faster than before the pandemic, ‘even as Americans have purchased a record amount of good.’

The president coughed and cleared his throat a few times during his remarks, and handed out accolades to cabinet members like Labor Secretary Marty Walsh.

Biden said store inventories were healthy and 90 per cent stocked. ”I’m sure you can go and find some shelf where it’s empty because a particular sort of gifts are very popular, I don’t know,’ he said 

However 100 container ships are still off the coast of California waiting to be unloaded, according to the New York Times

He touted faster apprenticeship programs meant to get truck drivers on the road more quickly

‘Marty, you’ve done a hell of a job pal, cutting the red tape so that companies can set up registered apprenticeships for truck drivers in two days instead of two months,’ he said.  

He told reporters after the event he had received his second covid PCR test after the White House announced Monday he had been in close contact with an aide who tested positive for COVID-19. Biden, who is vaccinated and boosted, said he hadn’t yet seen the results. 

Among those issuing dire warnings in the past was Vice President Kamala Harris, who raised the issue in a late August speech in Singapore.

‘The stories that we are now hearing about the caution that if you want to have Christmas toys for your children it might be the time to start buying them because the delay may be many, many months,’ she said. ‘Across the board, people are experiencing the issue.’ She brought up typhoons that were affecting shipping lanes.

The president’s comments came after White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki took a shot at ‘doubters’ and Scrooges who feared supply chain backlogs could hurt Christmas, as retailers managed to stock shelves in time for the holidays. 

‘Take that Scrooge, the Grinch and all of the doubters that this could happen,’ Psaki crowed on Twitter. ‘Also shelves are stocked at 90% (pre-pandemic levels are 91%).’

She linked to a New York Times story trumpeting improved deliveries leading up to the holiday crunch, citing numerous factors including many consumers going inside stores and ordering early amid fears supply chain blockages could end up leaving Americans with coal in their stockings.

The paper reported that the ‘vast majority’ of packages delivered by UPS, FedEx and the Postal Service are gifts en route to residences, citing software firm ShipMatrix. 

‘And nearly all have arrived on time or with minimal delays, defined as a few hours late for express packages and no more than a day late for ground shipments.’

‘Take that Scrooge, the Grinch and all of the doubters that this could happen,’ wrote White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, touting a report that retailers had managed to stock shelves by Christmas

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki tweeted about stocked shelves on Wednesday

Among the other factors: firms boosted capacity by hiring staff and expanding hours, retailers moved inventory to where it could get picked up easier, and Americans returned to physical stores.

In-store shopping made up nearly two-thirds of retail revenue, a 12 point increase from its low-point. 

Psaki also retweeted a user named Win! with 185 followers, who wrote: ‘I truthfully have had no problems getting anything I have needed for Christmas or in general. I’m waiting for all the republicans to say “great job!”

Psaki retweeted: ‘hard same.’ 

But the story wasn’t all positive. The Times reported that supply chain turmoil is not over. 

‘About a hundred container ships are waiting off the West Coast to unload their cargo. Big-ticket items, such as new cars, are still hard to find because of a shortage of some critical parts like computer chips. And prices are up for all kinds of goods,’ it said. 

USDA Choice beef is displayed for sale in a grocery store on November 11, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. The administration is grappling with a historic spike in inflation

A limited assortment of boxes and bags of crackers sit on empty shelves in a Target store Friday, Dec. 3, 2021, in Aurora, Colo.

Her messaging came just three days before Christmas, as Biden prepared to meet again with his Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force and CEOs.

According to the White House, he will get ‘another progress update on getting goods moving, keeping shelves stocked, and lowering prices for Americans.’

Biden has spoken repeatedly in public about meeting needs of holiday shoppers – amid a spike in inflation to the highest level in decades and fears about bottled up supplies.

He said December 1st: ‘Now, I can’t promise that every person will get every gift they want on time. Only Santa Claus can keep that promise. But there are items every year that sell out, that are hard to find,’ he said, pointing to Cabbage Patch Kids in the 90s and Beanie Babies in the 90s. 

‘But we’re heading into a holiday season on very strong shape. And it’s not because of luck. We averted potential crisis by figuring out what needed to get fixed and then we brought people together to do the hard work of fixing it.’ 

Those comments came after a series of reports of a looming catastrophe, and problems consumers have experienced getting items from new cars to used cars and consumer products.  

Taking part in Biden’s meeting are administration officials including Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, Transportation Sec. Pete Buttigieg, and economic advisor Brian Deese. 

CEOs of FedEx, the association of Port Authorities, the GAP, shipping provider Yellow Corp and software firm Fastport will take part.   

A White House fact sheet touts efforts to press ports to move towards 24/7 operations at ports, slap fees on carriers in California when goods sit on docks, and provide grants to ports to boost trucking.

The sheet also touts a 12-cent-per-gallon drop in the price of gasoline – which coincides both with Biden’s announcement he would pump oil from the nation’s strategic reserve, and the spread of the Omicron variant, which raised fears of slower growth. 

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